Hi there first post for an issue I couldn't fix myself. I am running RB 64 and my game is 64 with Dx11, At random times I start my game wait till my toon is loaded check mail etc. I will then start RB from my desktop. I select my CR Kefka or Kupo (I use both) and right after I select it the little screen goes away and in less than a minute I get a windows pop up saying FFbot stopped working. and it closes the program out. I have to go to my sessions and "Kill" the RB session and try again. I will run as Admin with no anti virus, malware etc running. I have no Idea what is causing the issues but it is random and happens random times I start it up. This is the latest log. I deleted all others just to make sure I get the right one. This was after 2 other attempts tonight.