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Rather general question about botting after I reached lvl 100


New Member
Aug 7, 2014
Hi everyone!

So i finally came back to WoW after more than 1 year and still have HB lifetime :) So I started questbotting my chars up to lvl 100.

After that I wanted to start farming gear for my warlock and asked myself. Wait? What to do actually?

I now have a "plan" and I would like to know from you if that is the "correct" way to get gear after reaching lvl 100:

- Get 2000 Garrison resources and build garrison lvl3
- Go on with Kick's Tanaan Intro (100) Profile to unlock all the dailies that give you apex shards
- Do the Garrison daily with bot profile which gives you 800 apex
- When Tanaan Intro profile is done, do the tanaan daily quests with Buddy Team Tanaan Diplomat

Is that correct? If it is, I still have issues, because: I'm stuck at doing kick's Tanaan Intro (100). My toon is doing the quest "Derailment" and is dying to a lvl100 elite mob called "Ogron lifter".

Is log necessary? View attachment 5008 2016-04-12 07.55.txt
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Decent plan for pve gear, but Tanaan may be a challenge if your gear is really bad to start with. Honor gear is item level 700, conquest 710. Ashran is a great place to get both. My fresh 100's tend to have a 20k+ conquest cap, Ashran wins are worth 750 conquest. Honor comes extremely fast. Of course I wouldn't recommend you bot Ashran aside from running a CR. I'd also recommend joining an Ashran premade. Horde premades are Hydra and Alliance are The Avengers. 6-8 hours in one of those groups should get you around ilvl 700 at which point, you can do about anything you want from running the Tanaan dailies to Normal HFC and even Heroic HFC lower.