we all know PoE is lots of theorycrafting.
Many possibilities, also many strange behaviours and questions.
Maybe we can profit a bit if we sum up the questions.
Not directly bot-related but important for the "daily business" of botting.
So we don't have to spam other threads or move completely to PoE Forums (which is often not the best place to discuss)
I want to start with some questions about trading:
- have you found out a easy way to determine an items value? actually i filter manually @ poe.trade. often twice or three times (reducing the currency amount) to find out the lowest/average price i should sell. it's quit time consuming but i guess it's the only possibility.
- is your online status @ poe.trade working proper? Often it takes up to half an hour to find my items online. I always use the online/offline link poe.trade provides. Not sure how often they sync with trade-forums....
- which area you prefer for open game trading? act3/act4 merci i guess
- is it just me or is the trade channel completely waste of time nowadays
- which trading time/days you find best? (i am sitting EU timezone)
Alright. Start is done. If YOU got questions post them here, i try to answer.
If you got answers, let me/us know.
we all know PoE is lots of theorycrafting.
Many possibilities, also many strange behaviours and questions.
Maybe we can profit a bit if we sum up the questions.
Not directly bot-related but important for the "daily business" of botting.
So we don't have to spam other threads or move completely to PoE Forums (which is often not the best place to discuss)
I want to start with some questions about trading:
- have you found out a easy way to determine an items value? actually i filter manually @ poe.trade. often twice or three times (reducing the currency amount) to find out the lowest/average price i should sell. it's quit time consuming but i guess it's the only possibility.
- is your online status @ poe.trade working proper? Often it takes up to half an hour to find my items online. I always use the online/offline link poe.trade provides. Not sure how often they sync with trade-forums....
- which area you prefer for open game trading? act3/act4 merci i guess
- is it just me or is the trade channel completely waste of time nowadays
- which trading time/days you find best? (i am sitting EU timezone)
Alright. Start is done. If YOU got questions post them here, i try to answer.
If you got answers, let me/us know.