Every(i guess?) location got it's unique boss, right?
How about plugin for bot to jump through the location in vicious urge to find a unique mob?
Liiike "search&destroy" or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFyqNmFAMU0#t=1m29s
Infinite Monkeys just said he is working on bringin back ExtendedPlayerMover
Imagine that whirling blades with faster attack, moving through map with lighting speed to find and kill the bastard for buntch of rares and mayby uniques. Lets do this! whats the ETA? Donating in dollars $$$ !
Best Regards
Every(i guess?) location got it's unique boss, right?
How about plugin for bot to jump through the location in vicious urge to find a unique mob?
Liiike "search&destroy" or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFyqNmFAMU0#t=1m29s
Infinite Monkeys just said he is working on bringin back ExtendedPlayerMover
Imagine that whirling blades with faster attack, moving through map with lighting speed to find and kill the bastard for buntch of rares and mayby uniques. Lets do this! whats the ETA? Donating in dollars $$$ !
Best Regards