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Ramifications of updated Battlechest?


New Member
Feb 29, 2016
just a few thoughts:

with updated battlechest blizz will throw the banhammer and forcing the bot league to buy some new accounts.

your opinion?
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Why on earth would you care if there's a banwave for a game you aren't playing?

why on earth is everone here talking about cats and dogs, and not my topic?

to give answer:

i have an 11 year sub. so im kinda connected to this game :)
why would they lower the price then banhammer, poor logic tbh
Because then the botters who just had their accounts banned will think "Well, it's fairly cheap, I guess I could just start fresh" and buy new accounts
Because then the botters who just had their accounts banned will think "Well, it's fairly cheap, I guess I could just start fresh" and buy new accounts

from a business/profit stand point I wouldn't look at it like that.

there's also an expansion due out within the next 2-3 months.
Why not? Blizzard has done this with the two last banwaves. First ban, then 5 dollar battlechests.

How is the new expansion relevant?
because they've done this in the last 2-3 expansions on the announcement of a release date. NObody is going to buy an overpriced MoP when the new xpac is coming out in 3 months. If you think they make more money from a banwave than they do general sales you're sorely mistaken.

The last time they did a $5 battlechest was 2014... they did have a discount running prior to the first banwave, there were no discounts on the second.
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You are mistaken, they put WOD and battlechest on sale for $5 during the December banwave also. I stocked up on spare accounts.
because they've done this in the last 2-3 expansions on the announcement of a release date. NObody is going to buy an overpriced MoP when the new xpac is coming out in 3 months. If you think they make more money from a banwave than they do general sales you're sorely mistaken.

The last time they did a $5 battlechest was 2014... they did have a discount running prior to the first banwave, there were no discounts on the second.
why on earth is everone here talking about cats and dogs, and not my topic?

Because your thread is weired. It's all about wearing alu hats.
There is no proof that a release of a new battlechest or wow package offer means blizz is preparing a new banwave and even when, so what?
Do not bot if you cannot accept loosing an account and if an account is lost, take the next one. That's what botting is perfect for ^^
Do not bot if you cannot accept loosing an account and if an account is lost, take the next one. That's what botting is perfect for ^^

This. Blizzard's sales are geared toward the Holidays (December) and Summer. additionally, they tend to drop the price of expansions within about six of months of release, as they just did, and then roll the most recent expansion into the battlechest a few months prior. This would be counter-intuitive if they tied it to banwaves, as their goal would be to maximize profits, in that case. They aren't banning us to have us buy more accounts, they are doing it to get us to stop botting. nothing tinfoil about it.
Well, look at that.

The person that people thought was weird for having the opinion he did turned out to be correct.
Lol butthurt a bit? yes there is no proof of causation between the two. However, there is a strong correlation between battlechests, price lowering, and banwaves. Nearly a +1.00 over the last two years.... so yes we can't prove but statistically and common sense allows us to see the pattern... Last years ban wave May 13, 2015 --> this years May 19, 2015.... mhm don't think its a coincidence.

Because your thread is weired. It's all about wearing alu hats.
There is no proof that a release of a new battlechest or wow package offer means blizz is preparing a new banwave and even when, so what?
Do not bot if you cannot accept loosing an account and if an account is lost, take the next one. That's what botting is perfect for ^^
only thing im pissed about is no free level 90 boost to go along with the 100 boost lol
you can not say that the cheep battle chests are a sign of a banhammer as the last 2 they did not start the deal until after the hammer fell but it is just a way for them to make money they suspend all the accounts then sell you new ones cheep to up there subs and falsely report higher sub numbers hence the reason that they are no longer banning people only suspending accounts i got the 18 month hammer today but they can claim a suspended account as an active sub but they can not claim a banned account so they suspend 100 accounts and they continue to report them as subs then we buy there cheep battle chests and make 100 new accounts and there numbers go up