So A few days ago I stared up a nice little RAF group and they have pounded through the levels. They will soon be level 51 and I wanted to know which option would yield the fastest results (generally speaking); RAF group or Solo Mixed AV? From what I understand RAF AV mixed is not supported. I do know I could (and probably will) just run in both and check the xp/hour averages but I figured maybe someone out there has already done this. Let me know what you think.
So A few days ago I stared up a nice little RAF group and they have pounded through the levels. They will soon be level 51 and I wanted to know which option would yield the fastest results (generally speaking); RAF group or Solo Mixed AV? From what I understand RAF AV mixed is not supported. I do know I could (and probably will) just run in both and check the xp/hour averages but I figured maybe someone out there has already done this. Let me know what you think.