Hey Unseenpanic i have been trying to run my 2 RAF accounts though I have been having major trouble. Do you mind giving me a quick run down of your setup? I had it as the 'leader' was running grindmode with leader pluggin, and 'slave' which is heals running partybot no pluggin. That is the setup i found on the guide though its not working correctly. I hate to highjack your thread just looking for a little more help
Sorry for the delay in replying, i thought i replied earlier but i guess the board didn't save the post. Here are the steps i am using
Load wow with account to use as leader. Load HB bot select grind and enable the leader plugin.
Load wow with the raf toon1 and select party bot and enable the leader plugin. set follow distance to 20 or so for a caster/healer. i have tried to set mine for only 5 as i do also run a rogue but it didn't seem to change the follow distance
Repeat step 2 for the 3rd toon
Ensure all toons are using the same profile and are approx 1 or 2 levels apart at the most, maybe they can be up to 4 as per wow saying within 4 levels but i didn't want to risk the bot auto changing any of the profiles because of to much difference in level.
One thing i also did was disable auto train new spells as i found as one would level it wanted to take off and go and train new spells and that buggered things for me.
Make sure both or all 3 accounts are running in windowed mode. I actually re-size mine so i can see all three running wow accounts without minimizing anything (this worked best for me. Also since i am using a older alienware laptop with core i7 840 proc 8 gigs ram and dual mobility radeon 5870 cards i changed graphics settings to good on all as i found that with the graphics set to high my frame rate would drop from around 100fps on ultra to 20fps. At the lower setting each instance of wow seems to run about 35-40fps depending on the zone. I also disabled mounts as i found that could mess things up.
When you have done all this maximize all HB bot windows configure all classes i use FPS Default Warrior, FPS Rogue, and FPS Priest for the custom classes as i found these to be the most reliable and configurable for me i also enabled talented for all three instances of HB and then hit start on the raf HB instance either RAF toon 1 and 2 in my case then hit start on the leader toon.
I use a arms Warrior as party leader as tank and my raf is a shadow priest, with my 3rd account running a combat rogue. with this setting mobs drop like flies. even heroic mobs stand no chance as the warrior is geared not bad using heirlooms same with priest and rogue. Warrior has no problem holding aggro and if he does take any significant damage the Shadow priest is more than capable of healing enough in that spec for 3 or 2 boxing.
All works fairly well for me. just wish i could set it at questing instead of just grinding to gain the most xp out of the raf. but either way they level fast 5 hours of triple boxing took the warrior and priest from level 24 to 32 no problem, rogue was bit slower as he isn't getting triple xp (older account)
Idealally i guess i could run the rogue solo questing on a second laptop if i wanted to maximize his xp but for now they are all levelling pretty fast as it is.
Hope this helps some if not you can contact me and i can try and help you get it all set-up using remote desktop. (i did notice in the guide i followed, that certain ports might need to be open as it uses tcp/ip for the communications, which is probably why they have to run on the same machine.) Don't quote me on that though as i am not sure why it could not work on my lan. i believe the ip it uses is or something like that.