Recently i encountered the following problem:
1. Recived email from blizz where they said they withdraw few month of RAF time;
2. Soon after my account got frozen;
3. I bought unfreez code from some dealer on ownedcore (bought a lot of RAF from him, everything was ok);
4. Account now Active and has RAF time till 05/17
Here is the questions:
1. How my account got frozen if it still has RAF time till 05/17?
2. Why i cant send RAF emails anymore even though account is active (says not eligible)
thanks for your time
Recently i encountered the following problem:
1. Recived email from blizz where they said they withdraw few month of RAF time;
2. Soon after my account got frozen;
3. I bought unfreez code from some dealer on ownedcore (bought a lot of RAF from him, everything was ok);
4. Account now Active and has RAF time till 05/17
Here is the questions:
1. How my account got frozen if it still has RAF time till 05/17?
2. Why i cant send RAF emails anymore even though account is active (says not eligible)
thanks for your time