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RAF classes and CC's


New Member
Feb 22, 2010
i just started running a RAF botting grp and im wondering what are the best CC's for this im using the holy priest CC atm but is there anything out there that will dps and heal when its needed. botting pally priest atm and suggestions ?
my CC, Ecliptor in later versions will do that
however i dont remeber if its in the Hb1 version or not.
no ideas? anyone got a combo that works well along with matching CC's?
so i just went with 2 locks running ski's CC. But i still have a question once my toons reach the lvl 60 RAF limit after that if i still have one HB program running as RAF will it still follow and act like the leader
Convalesce will pair with any other class just fine. Weather it be for a dedicated healer or a tank, or a dps.
so i just went with 2 locks running ski's CC. But i still have a question once my toons reach the lvl 60 RAF limit after that if i still have one HB program running as RAF will it still follow and act like the leader

Yes, it will still work having one of the accounts running as leader and the other set to RaF follower (or whatever the setting is ^^), but running the bots as a group after the RaF bonus finishes at 60 makes levelling much slower than just running them individually... only getting half the xp from each mob and when I tried it, they weren't killing them twice as fast so running them seperately seemed to give more xp /hr.

Not sure how running a priest solo would work though as I've not tried that, but the warlocks should be fine? :D

And convalesce rocks btw ;)
Convalence is pretty good.
Until he needs to heal 24/7.

I would go with 1 druid + random class.
Will get u a working healer later when you want one.
What will be the best group for playing HCs with 4 bots while Playing the tank?
1) 1 x Pala Tank - hand playing
3) 3 x DDs - Which classes with which CC?
4) 1 x Healer - Which will be the best healer for this group and which CC should i use?

will be nice if someone has infos for me.
What will be the best group for playing HCs with 4 bots while Playing the tank?
1) 1 x Pala Tank - hand playing
3) 3 x DDs - Which classes with which CC?
4) 1 x Healer - Which will be the best healer for this group and which CC should i use?

will be nice if someone has infos for me.

I run

Pally Tank - Hand Played
Mage - Codename G
Warlock - Skis
ShadowPriest - my own CC (will switch to the new Priest CC)
Resto Druid - got wood (by FAR the best healer cc)
Ok thx for this quick answer. Hope there will be a good shamy Profile because he is the next 80.
Otherwise i have DK and Dudu 80 at the moment. But no tank or heal equip.
Only 2 Bot accounts running yet. Need 2-3 more^^ and think a second pc i must have. 5 one 1 PC ist not so goog :-)
Ok thx for this quick answer. Hope there will be a good shamy Profile because he is the next 80.
Otherwise i have DK and Dudu 80 at the moment. But no tank or heal equip.
Only 2 Bot accounts running yet. Need 2-3 more^^ and think a second pc i must have. 5 one 1 PC ist not so goog :-)

5 clients on 1 PC is absolutely no problem.
I tried the Shamwow CC for shaman but it was horrible slow and had loads of range issues.
Hopefully the HB2 version will be better.
No my laptop isnt good. Have problems of playing while running 3 sessions. need a new good PC. Because on my good IMac i didnt manage to get HB to work (will not install windows on it).
But thinking of playing my Main DK (have def equiped as second gear) and running the bots on Laptop maybe for an instance he is good enough.
Dudu must chose dual Spec Healing and colelct some gear in PVP or Ah :-). If Schamy isnt good i have to level a Warlock. Then i must buy only 2 accounts more.
Hopefully a Mage and priest Level 80 :-) Then no levling more needed to play Heroics.
Ok have to buy HB Lifetime for a second time while only 3 Sessions are allowed for 1 copy.

Dont buy gear on AH or PvP for your druid.
Just que him as DPS together with your DK as tank.
Have him on follow for 4-5 HC's and he will have enuf gear to start heal.

Edit: Sure ppl will whine, but kicking the tank is just stupid. Make sure are the leader so you can reinvite.
When i think on playing my own heroic it will be like christmas because of real playing is getting boring most of the time. waiting for random group with a dd is not nice. I am not a gold seller only will bot for fun and have enough gold to buy best items i can get in ah for my three mains. Hope in 1-2 months i have my 5 accounts with 2 Hb lifetime and a good pc to follow my dream :-)
ya still running 2 locks will probably have to seperate them at 60 but things are running great atm. Convalesce i have tried it worked great and will come back to it at a later date :)
Yesterday i tested: DK Main tank self played
Druid Healer - with Heal CC - worked well
DK DD - not worked? Is there a RAF CC for him? Or must i load a profile for him? Only make settings to raf. he followed but makeing no dmg on main tank target

Tested with HB1. Will RAF for heroics work with HB2??