I've browsed thru the site off and on regarding this subject over the past few weeks and will say upfront I am sorry if this was covered already but I could not find much reference at all to it...
My question is what is the likely hood of HB emplementing the ability to bot in groups directly similiar to what glider use to do? I see info about CC's having RaF ability built into them but very little on making the actual HB work togetehr in that sense. Will this be a paid plugin in the future? I am all for paying for this as a plugin thats for sure if it works
Again sorry if this is a dead horse beating but wanted to ask anyways...
My question is what is the likely hood of HB emplementing the ability to bot in groups directly similiar to what glider use to do? I see info about CC's having RaF ability built into them but very little on making the actual HB work togetehr in that sense. Will this be a paid plugin in the future? I am all for paying for this as a plugin thats for sure if it works

Again sorry if this is a dead horse beating but wanted to ask anyways...