I'm sorry to say, Whilst I'm a massive fan of HB, and belive its STILL the safest and smartest bot on the market... Its not a good time for HB... The only fault bossland made was by being soo good, they became too popular.
Because of the HUGE popularity of HB and Blizzard Losing there case in the high court, blizzard went out and set them self to destroy HB as we know it... They fired some missiles and have done some damage.
Right now Bossland have not been able to stop this attack, Right now HB appears to be undetectable, however we had 6months of this time from the first ban waive 18months ago. this battle for bossland can only be won by time- Id need to see 12 months at least of no detection before I could recommend some one using this bot as a "casual botter"
What I mean by casual - I mean someone that bots to advance there own account in game, and to cover the cost of the game using a single bot.
I still use this bot and it WORKS Really well- however I have things in place ready to go for the next ban wave. To replace my 30 account.
I hope in time, I will be able to recommended using the bot as a casual because it really is an amazing bot with so much work put into it- and unmatched by anything on the market.. The work the devs have non on products is top notch..
If you looking at using it on a second account- not your main.. then go hard- and enjoying the gold and mounts this bot will bring- because it will - lots of it.