most profiles budle with QuestTools to get bot start and run such as Bounties, ExploreGoblinRealm, NerdersWhimsydale, and questingAct1-5.
I don't find this pluging (or any thread) comes with latest DB.
that means most of profiles are not working at all.
it will be happy to know if there is anyone working on this pluging or is creating different profiles instead
most profiles budle with QuestTools to get bot start and run such as Bounties, ExploreGoblinRealm, NerdersWhimsydale, and questingAct1-5.
I don't find this pluging (or any thread) comes with latest DB.
that means most of profiles are not working at all.
it will be happy to know if there is anyone working on this pluging or is creating different profiles instead
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