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Questions about gold farming


New Member
Jun 17, 2016
So i want to set up a new account to run a bot with. The goal here would be too farm gold for game time. I just have a few questions about how to set this up.
Firstly, which class is best? I was thinking a blood dk could probably solo just anout anything
Second, what profiles do i need? Anyone know which is best for cata raids and/or mop heroics? Is there a better option for gold?
Third, how do i get the gold/game town to my main without getting caught

I know these probably sound like really noobish questions but i appreciate all the help
Depends on what your profile is, Druid is good for farming Herbs/Ores... TBH most classes can kill fast in instances if thats what you wanne do!
Try some profiles and see what you like, if you dont wanne sell run dungeons but for less money and higher banrisk. If you want to make more gold but put some effort in it, start looking at things to craft and farm a mix of things!
100 people 100 answers . farming dungeons over and over , farming mats over and over , selling tons in the AH , and any other way you get gold.. all have risk if you are greedy.

i farm LFRs for bonus bags 1500g a hour . a good friend farms Dungeons/ Raids 1200g+ a hour . i farm Herb ore and cloth at the start of Expansions .

the bot does so much its hard to pick 1 class. i like healer / Dps classes ( heals get fast Queues in dungeons and Dps can farm most anything )
i love shaman paladins for farming mounts and pets in raids. they dps and can heal themselfs. i like hunters for Farming in the open . ranged and pets tank.

ok 50k for Wow Token X main account and Bot account = 100k a month . 1000g a hour is easy so 100 hours / 30 days = little over 3.3 hours a day of botting . if you are only botting 3-4 hour a day and mixing up what you are doing. you still can be caught but low chance .

High risk : dump 1000s of items in the AH every week , Bot 24 hours a day , and bot high risk ( herb / ore farming in high farming spots like Tanaan jungle) PLAYERS WILL REPORT YOU .. sad thing is other greedy botters will report you too. even at the risk of getting banned themselves.

do not report people. stay away from highly camped spots . do not get greedy . you will last longer
This is exactly what i wanted to hear. So i could roll a resto shammy. And set it up to do lfr. What profile do you use for that?
100 people 100 answers . farming dungeons over and over , farming mats over and over , selling tons in the AH , and any other way you get gold.. all have risk if you are greedy.

i farm LFRs for bonus bags 1500g a hour . a good friend farms Dungeons/ Raids 1200g+ a hour . i farm Herb ore and cloth at the start of Expansions .

the bot does so much its hard to pick 1 class. i like healer / Dps classes ( heals get fast Queues in dungeons and Dps can farm most anything )
i love shaman paladins for farming mounts and pets in raids. they dps and can heal themselfs. i like hunters for Farming in the open . ranged and pets tank.

ok 50k for Wow Token X main account and Bot account = 100k a month . 1000g a hour is easy so 100 hours / 30 days = little over 3.3 hours a day of botting . if you are only botting 3-4 hour a day and mixing up what you are doing. you still can be caught but low chance .

High risk : dump 1000s of items in the AH every week , Bot 24 hours a day , and bot high risk ( herb / ore farming in high farming spots like Tanaan jungle) PLAYERS WILL REPORT YOU .. sad thing is other greedy botters will report you too. even at the risk of getting banned themselves.

do not report people. stay away from highly camped spots . do not get greedy . you will last longer

True! But 1500g/h is also very low! There are better ways to make alot more!
1500g/h is pretty standard. There aren't that many publicly shared profiles that generate more than that.
Botanica/HoL publicly is still one of the best. Firelands / Dread waste or w/e isnt too bad either but u have to invest more time into the bot to get that far.
For suicide botting botanica/HoL is still prob better.
5 man Dungeon farming isnt too bad either. Averaging 400-600g per hour per toon so about 3kg/h
Thanks for all the info guys its been a huge help. Ive been searching all over to find a real thread about transfering the gold to my main. Havent really found any good answers. How are you guys going about it? The last time i botted i used to just do it through the auction house, but i read thats no good anymore. Also, is my main account going to get banned for receiving the gold from my bot account?
Thanks for all the info guys its been a huge help. Ive been searching all over to find a real thread about transfering the gold to my main. Havent really found any good answers. How are you guys going about it? The last time i botted i used to just do it through the auction house, but i read thats no good anymore. Also, is my main account going to get banned for receiving the gold from my bot account?

If any account benefits from a bot it can get banned.
Dont keep it a secret! Haha

it is best if you got a good spot, or public profile you edited to be better for your own use which i do these days or even made your own profile from scratch as blizzard are well known for reading the honorbuddy forum, then you have white knights that read the forum and go report botters or qq on wow forums, then ontop of it you got the worse of the lot dickhead noob idiot botters who will start using the ways you use to make gold and report you which many will do constantly till your gone. I had one botter laughing at me since he was on GM chat reporting my bots and within 30mins of that i got those accounts closed that is how far they go so when your on a good winning streak you keep it to yourself or at least talk in discord and strike up private chats posting any good information on this forum is not a bight idea and will either get that spot nerved, or blizzard will keep an even closer eye on it.
If your account benefits from it then it can get banned, thats what they say. Its partially true but partially not. Guild bank is probably one of the best ways to do it, unless you do it so blatantly.
If your account benefits from it then it can get banned, thats what they say. Its partially true but partially not. Guild bank is probably one of the best ways to do it, unless you do it so blatantly.

Can you explain how it works thru guild bank?
have a guild, put bots / main in the guild (main being gm) use other addons to invite a bunch of people to the guild so it has a good amount of people and benefit from gbank.
So I am curious, how much do game time tokens cost? I tried to log in after a long long time and it gave me the option of paying with 90k gold.
about 90k gold atm. go to wowtoken(dot)info for pricing. it's specific to the zone but same on all realms within the zone (us/eu/korean)