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- Joined
- Nov 23, 2015
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- 26
Hi I'm trying to make profile that will gather unspoil (x quantity) when the node time is up, go killing mob for mats (y quantity) if node time is off
and repeat the routine
also it will teleport to town if all had been gathered for (x quantity) and (y quantity).
Despite trying for couple hours and look into some profile for if condition. it still not doing what I want it to do
I'm new to this profile stuff, so I hope someone who is experienced can point out my mistake and show me what I do with it
and repeat the routine
also it will teleport to town if all had been gathered for (x quantity) and (y quantity).
Despite trying for couple hours and look into some profile for if condition. it still not doing what I want it to do
I'm new to this profile stuff, so I hope someone who is experienced can point out my mistake and show me what I do with it
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Profile [<!-- Profile Settings -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Teleporting ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!ENTITY WaitLocationID "75">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Gathering Settings ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Discover Unknowns ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!ENTITY DiscoverUnknowns "true">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Hot Spot Wait Time ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!ENTITY HotSpotWait "10">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Gathering Rotation ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!ENTITY Rotation "Unspoiled">
<!ENTITY Rotation_1Star "Unspoiled">
<!ENTITY Rotation_Topsoil "RegularNode">
<!ENTITY GatherIncrease_50_60 "Yield">
<!ENTITY GatherIncrease_1star "Quality">
<!ENTITY RegularGatherRotation "SmartQuality">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Collectable Rotation ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!ENTITY CollectableRotation "NewbCollect">
<!ENTITY Collectability_200 "0">
<!ENTITY Collectability_400 "0">
<!ENTITY Collectability_450 "0">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Cordial Settings ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!ENTITY Cordial_Type_50_60 "Cordial">
<!ENTITY Cordial_Type_50_60_Collectable "Cordial">
<!ENTITY Cordial_Type_1star "Cordial">
<!ENTITY Cordial_Type_1star_Collectable "Cordial">
<!ENTITY CordialType_Ephemeral "Cordial">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Cordial Time ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!ENTITY Cordial_Time_50_60 "None">
<!ENTITY Cordial_Time_50_60_Collectable "IfNeeded">
<!ENTITY Cordial_Time_1star "None">
<!ENTITY Cordial_Time_1star_Collectable "IfNeeded">
<!ENTITY CordialTime_Ephemeral "None">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Gather Item Settings ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ITEM: Coerthan Tea Leaves -->
<!ENTITY CoerthanTeaLeaves "1000">
<!-- ITEM: Archaeornis Skin -->
<!ENTITY ArchaeornisSkin "1000">
<!-- ################################ -->
<!-- ### Code Start Here ### -->
<!-- ################################ -->
<Name>[O][GRD][BTN][MIN] Grinding and Gathering Manager </Name>
<CodeChunk Name="MIN">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 13"); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if(!Core.Player.HasAura(222)) { var result = true; if (MovementManager.IsFlying) { result = await CommonTasks.Land(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000); } if (result && Core.Player.IsMounted) { await CommonTasks.StopAndDismount(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000); } ff14bot.Managers.Actionmanager.DoAction(238, Core.Player); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); } ]]>
<CodeChunk Name="BTN">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 14"); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); if(!Core.Player.HasAura(221)) { var result = true; if (MovementManager.IsFlying) { result = await CommonTasks.Land(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000); } if (result && Core.Player.IsMounted) { Actionmanager.Dismount(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000); } ff14bot.Managers.Actionmanager.DoAction(221, Core.Player); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); } ]]>
<CodeChunk name="COMBAT">
<![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 25"); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); { var result = true; if (MovementManager.IsFlying) { result = await CommonTasks.Land(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(1000); } if (result && Core.Player.IsMounted) { Actionmanager.Dismount(); await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(2000); }} ]]>
<GrindArea name="Twinpools">
<Hotspot Radius="100" X="-303.5909" Y="100.00" Z="-532.4938" name="Twinpools" />
<HotSpot Radius="100" X="-128.866882" Y="100.00" Z="-554.517" name="Twinpools" />
<HotSpot Radius="100" X="-3.784596" Y="100.00" Z="-544.91095" name="Twinpools" />
<HotSpot Radius="100" X="-209.498886" Y="100.00" Z="-480.6252" name="Twinpools" />
<TargetMob Name="Archaeornis" Id="3481" />
<!-- Condition -->
<While Condition="not(ItemCount(12882) > &CoerthanTeaLeaves; and ItemCount(12568) > &ArchaeornisSkin;)">
<!--If Gathering -->
<If Condition="not(ItemCount(12882) > &CoerthanTeaLeaves;) and (IsTimeBetween(9,10) or IsTimeBetween(21,22))">
<ExLog Color="#AC59FF" Name="Gather Manager Log" Message="[BTN] Coerthan Tea Leaves" />
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(397)">
<TeleportTo Name="Falcons Nest" AetheryteId="71" />
<RunCode Name="BTN"/>
<ExFlyTo XYZ="447.5304, 231.6418, 698.439" Radius="3.0" />
<!--If Coerthan Tea Leaves-->
<RunCode Name="BTN"/>
<ExFlyTo XYZ="451.4217, 194.0464, -209.2942" Radius="3.0" />
<WaitWhile Condition="IsTimeBetween(9,10) or IsTimeBetween(21,22)" />
<If Condition="&CoerthanTeaLeaves; != 0">
<ExGather loops="1" spawnTimeout="&HotSpotWait;" CordialType="&Cordial_Type_50_60;" CordialTime="&Cordial_Time_50_60;" DiscoverUnknowns="&DiscoverUnknowns;" GatherIncrease="&GatherIncrease_50_60;">
<GatherObject>Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch</GatherObject>
<ItemName>Coerthan Tea Leaves</ItemName>
<StealthApproachGatherSpot ReturnToStealthLocation="false" stealthLocation="393.4598, 162.3739, -156.1349" nodeLocation="401.9799, 163.1478, -141.8629"/>
<HotSpot XYZ="451.4217, 194.0464, -209.2942" Radius="200"/>
<!-- If Grinding -->
<If Condition="not(ItemCount(12568) > &ArchaeornisSkin;) and not(IsTimeBetween(9,10) or IsTimeBetween(21,22))">
<ExLog Color="#AC59FF" Name="Gather Manager Log" Message="[COMBAT] Archaeornis Skin"/>
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(397)">
<TeleportTo Name="Falcons Nest" AetheryteId="71" />
<RunCode Name="COMBAT"/>
<ExFlyTo XYZ="447.5304, 231.6418, 698.439" Radius="3.0" />
<RunCode Name="COMBAT"/>
<ExFlyTo XYZ="-303.5909, 92.66411, -532.4938" Radius="3.0" />
<Grind grindRef="Twinpools" while="not ItemCount(12568) > &ArchaeornisSkin; and not(IsTimeBetween(9,10) or IsTimeBetween(21,22))" />
<If Condition="not(ItemCount(12882) < &CoerthanTeaLeaves; and ItemCount(12568) < &ArchaeornisSkin;) and not(IsTimeBetween(9,10) or IsTimeBetween(21,22))">
<TeleportTo Name="Waiting Aetheryte" AetheryteId="&WaitLocationID;" />