i just have 2 questions.
1. What is a session ? does it mean only 1 WoW per session or 1 Ip per session ?
2. I read somewhere that RAF is supported but only with a workaround. so its possible to bot 3x chars with RAF ?
[wiki]Buddy products: Product Licensing and Fair Use[/wiki] explains this.
2. RaF support is spotty.
You can obviously grind your RaF'd toons together, but grinding for long durations gets you banned quick nowadays.
There is a PartyBot that you can use to take your toons into a dungeon together--you'll need to do the tanking manually, but the other toons in the party should mostly behave well. The only problem with this is complex dungeons will give fits, as most CCs are not smart enough to "get out of the blue/red/green/purple/black stuff". Also, CCs aren't complex enough to proactively crowd control, "stop casting when boss XXX spell is up", and such.
Most people think of RaF in the way Bliz has defined it--for questing. Alas, RaF for questing is lacking. The toons will not share quests, nor pickup/turnin the quests together. The toon's won't even "stay together" most of the time while questing as a group. There was a plugin (the name escapes me) that may have alleviated some of this, but I never used it, and can't say.
But its not as bleak as it sounds...
For questing, just let them solo. You won't reap the RaF benefits of questing together, but quest leveling is relatively fast anyway. Also, impatience is the mortal enemy of bot users. "Being in a hurry to get gold/rep/level/whatever" leads to very bad decisions that usually get you banned. Sometimes getting a ban is just bad luck. But most of time, avoiding bans is a matter of good botting habits--never being in a hurry is key.