Z zamorake New Member Joined Aug 29, 2013 Messages 1 Nov 6, 2014 #1 Can i transfer my warned toons to a new account to avoid getting banned and bot again? Thanks!
Eclipse New Member Joined May 21, 2011 Messages 402 Nov 6, 2014 #2 If you don't bot on the new account.
Aion Well-Known Member Joined Jan 18, 2011 Messages 3,907 Nov 6, 2014 #3 As long as its worth it - of course. The ban "sticks" with the account, and not moving with the character. I have done the same with several GB2farmers myself, which I x-ferred to different bnet when they received their first 72h or Overtuned permaban.
As long as its worth it - of course. The ban "sticks" with the account, and not moving with the character. I have done the same with several GB2farmers myself, which I x-ferred to different bnet when they received their first 72h or Overtuned permaban.