Ok I have 2 accounts , 2 seperate b-net accounts. I log into acc 1 full screen high settings ... Acc #2 Log in put in windowed mode, put graphics down to Low and mute sound and music. Now pending on which one i log out of first, those settings are saved and I end up having to manually change one of those to what i want. example - Acc#1 Full screen , Acc#2 Windowed,Muted, LOW ... Exit Acc#1 first, then exit Acc#2 ... Start wow back up , Im windowed and muted... and vise versa ...
Now the question - Is there anyway I can keep my settings for both accounts individually without having 2 separate wow installations? Like make a second WTF folder and create some kinda pathway to where my Acc#2 only reads that one and my Main account can keep the settings from the first WTF folder?
Now the question - Is there anyway I can keep my settings for both accounts individually without having 2 separate wow installations? Like make a second WTF folder and create some kinda pathway to where my Acc#2 only reads that one and my Main account can keep the settings from the first WTF folder?