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question about the new ingame mount 20 euro


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hey could some one help me i wanted to buy it yesterday with Ideal Or Moneybookers but they only accepting credit card wel i dont have credit card but if some one is willing to help me i wil pay first you true Ideal moneybookers 20 euro then you buy me the mount i hope some one can help me :)
Im sorry but i cant do that for you.. but go for it.. ITS FUCKING amezing
thats wired if its fail.. when there where 80k in Que to get it yesterday!

and its nice that you have it on your ALT chars and every char you ever make!

and its only 25$.. so who cares
so if anyone with a credit card would help me would be nice i pay you first im not a scammer and i dont need a other bot Gb HB Lifetime is good enough and i have lifetime but ye i would give u 5 euro extra if some one helps me to pay with credit card i only have moneybookers Ideal
I'm pretty sure Moneybookers requires a bank account/credit card just like paypal does. (To receive money)

Also, it is as easy as sending them 20$, getting the mount, and reversing the payment. (Free mount)
I highly doubt anyone will do this.

Send me 20$ in the mail, priority, I'll get it by Saturday, and I'll buy the mount, thats the best I can offer. (I wouldn't keep the money, but it is just as risky)
I'm pretty sure Moneybookers requires a bank account/credit card just like paypal does. (To receive money)

Also, it is as easy as sending them 20$, getting the mount, and reversing the payment. (Free mount)
I highly doubt anyone will do this.

Send me 20$ in the mail, priority, I'll get it by Saturday, and I'll buy the mount, thats the best I can offer. (I wouldn't keep the money, but it is just as risky)

dude why u trying to make me look back i dont get my payments back what i send im a lifetime member here i pay for that i only dont have a credit card you and wired trying to look me feel bad here i wil pay i have money only now credit card and i know the coders here like hawker from over glider forums back in the days im a loyal guy im not a scammer i just dont have a credit card if you try to make me look bad please stay out of this thread im asking if people can help me to get that mount i only have Moneybookers and ideal and ye my english may not be good but im from Netherlands and i try to learn english my self im not doing bad also
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that mount is the most fail thing i have ever saw

Does not appear to be a failure from the sales figures. Here is a an article i found
Fancy Horse Makes Blizzard $2 Million in Four Hours
New in-game pet for World of Warcraft is generating sales of about $500,000 an hour, so far.
By Frank Cifaldi, 04/15/2010

The Blizzard Pet Store is offering two new virtual pets to World of Warcraft players today, one of which has generated over $2 million in sales in its first four hours.
The "Celestial Steed" (right) is, according to its description on the Blizzard Store, "freshly born from the Twisting Nether" and allows players to "travel in style astride wings of pure elemental stardust."

More research is of course necessary but as of press time, it is widely believed that the Celestial Steed may be the fanciest horse ever born.

The fancy horse costs $25 and offers no new abilities to players, only riding as fast as a character's riding skill will enable it to go.

According to wow.com, the download queue as of 1:45 Pacific time was at 80,000. At $25 a pop, this means that this noble steed has generated sales of $2 million since its approximate debut at 9:30 this morning, or around $500,000 an hour.

1UP has reached out to Blizzard for commentary from the horse, and will report back if he is available.
source: 1UP

Looks like blizz made out pretty well. Also, since this was a digital release almost all of that money is profit (minus costs for artist, bandwidth and money transactions) $2 million in 4 hours is pretty damn incredible.