Fancy Horse Makes Blizzard $2 Million in Four Hours
New in-game pet for World of Warcraft is generating sales of about $500,000 an hour, so far.
By Frank Cifaldi, 04/15/2010
The Blizzard Pet Store is offering two new virtual pets to World of Warcraft players today, one of which has generated over $2 million in sales in its first four hours.
The "Celestial Steed" (right) is, according to its description on the Blizzard Store, "freshly born from the Twisting Nether" and allows players to "travel in style astride wings of pure elemental stardust."
More research is of course necessary but as of press time, it is widely believed that the Celestial Steed may be the fanciest horse ever born.
The fancy horse costs $25 and offers no new abilities to players, only riding as fast as a character's riding skill will enable it to go.
According to, the download queue as of 1:45 Pacific time was at 80,000. At $25 a pop, this means that this noble steed has generated sales of $2 million since its approximate debut at 9:30 this morning, or around $500,000 an hour.
1UP has reached out to Blizzard for commentary from the horse, and will report back if he is available.