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Question about edittting a profile I downloaded.


Feb 17, 2010
I've been using Hawker's Dwarf/Gnome 1-60 and it works fantastically for my Paladin. I'm closing in on level 60 now (currently LV54) and I was wondering what happenes when I ding level 60? Will my toon keep grinding in the last area?

Also I would like my toon to go back to lower level areas to grind for mats and gears for my alts. How do I edit the profile so the toon stays in e.g. Wetlands, Hinterlands, etc?

Do I change the <Maxlevel> to 80 in that area?

Or do I simply delete the subprofiles that points to higher level zones? Or both?


Edit: nevermind, it's working after some trials and errors.
Last edited:
yes you change max level for said profile(s)


delete all but said area xx and SAVE AS a new file:

ie: wetlands area subprofile save as: Wetlands greens

best thing to do is buy gear for ur alt instead of farm it, much more cost / time effective
Well the reason I'm doing this is cuz my server seems to be relatively new, or nobody wants to bother to sell greens.

I tried editting the profile today but my toon doesn't attack (even when attacked), he would just run around in wetlands not doing anything.

This is the profile after editting. I tried removing the level 1-20 zones (Coldridge Valley to Loch Modan) but it would give me errors so I kept them in there.

Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm using the same 1-61 mesh file by Hawker for this profile.

<Name>Dwarf-Gnome 1-60</Name>
<Mesh Name="Dwarf-Gnome 1-61.mesh" ServerID="33" />

<Name>Coldridge Valley</Name>
<Factions>32 36 189</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Rybrad Coldbank" Entry="945" Type="Repair" X="-6104.651" Y="391.6877" Z="395.5427"/>
<Vendor Name="Adlin Pridedrift" Entry="829" X="-6226.09" Y="325.0958" Z="383.1523"/>
<Hotspot X="-6374.996" Y="268.6868" Z="385.8251" />
<Hotspot X="-6283.456" Y="395.3112" Z="381.4657" />
<Hotspot X="-6276.301" Y="516.603" Z="387.4124" />
<Hotspot X="-6431.353" Y="386.172" Z="390.0995" />

<Name>Troll Whelps</Name>
<Factions>32 36 107 189</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Rybrad Coldbank" Entry="945" Type="Repair" X="-6104.651" Y="391.6877" Z="395.5427"/>
<Vendor Name="Adlin Pridedrift" Entry="829" X="-6226.09" Y="325.0958" Z="383.1523"/>
<Hotspot X="-6445.687" Y="559.2073" Z="385.7642" />
<Hotspot X="-6482.578" Y="683.5085" Z="387.9805" />
<Hotspot X="-6371.81" Y="773.9807" Z="386.2139" />
<Hotspot X="-6419.276" Y="644.1398" Z="386.9178" />

<Name>Chilled Valley</Name>
<Factions>189 14 7 44 66 36 59</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Rybrad Coldbank" Entry="945" Type="Repair" X="-6104.651" Y="391.6877" Z="395.5427"/>
<Vendor Name="Adlin Pridedrift" Entry="829" X="-6226.09" Y="325.0958" Z="383.1523"/>
<Hotspot X="-5805.396" Y="-197.7234" Z="353.4719" />
<Hotspot X="-5870.7" Y="-89.42693" Z="364.0182" />
<Hotspot X="-5834.511" Y="74.00606" Z="364.2347" />
<Hotspot X="-5753.602" Y="176.3217" Z="368.8942" />
<Hotspot X="-5791.291" Y="-164.7617" Z="350.7726" />

<Factions>189 66 44 38</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Grawn Thromwyn" Entry="1273" Type="Repair" X="-5588" Y="-428" Z="397" />
<Vendor Name="Hegnar Rumbleshot" Entry="3078" Type="Ammo" X="-6016" Y="-202" Z="407"/>
<Vendor Name="Innkeeper Belm" Entry="1247" Type="Food" X="-5604" Y="-530" Z="399" />
<Mailbox X="-5604.86" Y="-511.8967" Z="401.7381" />
<Hotspot X="-5700.856" Y="-580.8085" Z="401.5865" />
<Hotspot X="-5493.419" Y="-785.0892" Z="398.9977" />
<Hotspot X="-5684.284" Y="-990.883" Z="393.4352" />
<Hotspot X="-5771.086" Y="-866.1174" Z="396.7385" />
<Hotspot X="-5928.051" Y="-574.5433" Z="404.4683" />

<Name>Scarred Boars</Name>
<Factions>44 59 189</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Frast Dokner" Entry="1698" Type="Repair" X="-5712" Y="-1591" Z="383" />
<Vendor Name="Hegnar Rumbleshot" Entry="3078" Type="Ammo" X="-6016" Y="-202" Z="407"/>
<Vendor Name="Kazan Mogosh" Entry="1237" Type="Food" X="-2366" Y="-348" Z="-9" />
<Mailbox X="-5604.86" Y="-511.8967" Z="401.7381" />
<Hotspot X="-5638.559" Y="-2211.69" Z="424.7657" />
<Hotspot X="-5434.304" Y="-2151.922" Z="401.2068" />
<Hotspot X="-5306.784" Y="-2184.937" Z="425.386" />
<Hotspot X="-5303.642" Y="-2095.529" Z="425.4906" />
<Hotspot X="-5464.588" Y="-1868.363" Z="400.3371" />

<Name>Loch Modan 11-14</Name>
<Factions>14 22 38 44 73 189</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Morhan Coppertongue" Entry="167" Type="Repair" X="-5346" Y="-2935" Z="324" />
<Vendor Name="Yanni Stoutheart" Entry="1682" Type="Ammo" X="-5382" Y="-2955" Z="322" />
<Vendor Name="Innkeeper Hearthstove" Entry="6734" Type="Food" X="-5380" Y="-2972" Z="323" />
<Mailbox X="-5365.23" Y="-2953.062" Z="323.8214" />
<Hotspot X="-5137.079" Y="-3063.652" Z="323.7733" />
<Hotspot X="-5061.595" Y="-2907.467" Z="331.1645" />
<Hotspot X="-5066.042" Y="-2770.626" Z="327.2625" />
<Hotspot X="-5147.391" Y="-2964.265" Z="331.5018" />
<Hotspot X="-5007.207" Y="-3087.248" Z="317.1907" />
<Hotspot X="-4806.917" Y="-2834.283" Z="327.2472" />

<Name>Loch Modan 14-17</Name>
<Factions>14 22 38 44 73 189</Factions>
<AvoidMob Name="Haren Swifthoof" Entry="2478" />
<Vendor Name="Morhan Coppertongue" Entry="167" Type="Repair" X="-5346" Y="-2935" Z="324" />
<Vendor Name="Yanni Stoutheart" Entry="1682" Type="Ammo" X="-5382" Y="-2955" Z="322" />
<Vendor Name="Innkeeper Hearthstove" Entry="6734" Type="Food" X="-5380" Y="-2972" Z="323" />
<Mailbox X="-5365.23" Y="-2953.062" Z="323.8214" />
<Hotspot X="-5682.784" Y="-3284.376" Z="304.9738" />
<Hotspot X="-5845.892" Y="-3444.377" Z="318.433" />
<Hotspot X="-5836.889" Y="-3276.915" Z="295.1134" />
<Hotspot X="-5522.741" Y="-3166.986" Z="343.0392" />
<Hotspot X="-5795.59" Y="-3401.993" Z="307.2879" />
<Hotspot X="-5617.726" Y="-3689.741" Z="315.5794" />
<Hotspot X="-5386.701" Y="-3781.669" Z="306.2816" />

<Name>Loch Modan 17-21</Name>
<Factions>14 22 38 44 73 189</Factions>
<AvoidMob Name="Haren Swifthoof" Entry="2478" />
<Vendor Name="Morhan Coppertongue" Entry="167" Type="Repair" X="-5346" Y="-2935" Z="324" />
<Vendor Name="Yanni Stoutheart" Entry="1682" Type="Ammo" X="-5382" Y="-2955" Z="322" />
<Vendor Name="Innkeeper Hearthstove" Entry="6734" Type="Food" X="-5380" Y="-2972" Z="323" />
<Mailbox X="-5365.23" Y="-2953.062" Z="323.8214" />
<Hotspot X="-5187.355" Y="-3646.341" Z="303.7514" />
<Hotspot X="-5274.849" Y="-3910.416" Z="331.9034" />
<Hotspot X="-5222.846" Y="-4130.833" Z="328.7432" />
<Hotspot X="-5128.153" Y="-4051.953" Z="322.8116" />
<Hotspot X="-4828.895" Y="-3694.636" Z="311.1785" />
<Hotspot X="-5049.206" Y="-3634.193" Z="300.7007" />

<Name>Wetlands Crocs and Spiders</Name>
<Factions>14 22 25 45 54</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Naela Trance" Entry="1459" Type="Repair" X="-3758.334" Y="-855.7285" Z="9.899825" />
<Vendor Name="Naela Trance" Entry="1459" Type="Ammo" X="-3758.334" Y="-855.7285" Z="9.899825" />
<Mailbox X="-3793.068" Y="-838.324" Z="9.656753" />
<Hotspot X="-3928.605" Y="-2754.461" Z="22.2343" />
<Hotspot X="-3903.796" Y="-2865.669" Z="11.22997" />
<Hotspot X="-3584.672" Y="-2868.301" Z="12.08928" />
<Hotspot X="-3168.294" Y="-2551.706" Z="9.387541" />
<Hotspot X="-3020.948" Y="-2663.107" Z="10.26545" />
<Hotspot X="-3076.71" Y="-2517.563" Z="8.475268" />


<Name>Green Belt</Name>
<Factions>14 48</Factions>
<Vendor Name="Naela Trance" Entry="1459" Type="Repair" X="-3758.334" Y="-855.7285" Z="9.899825" />
<Vendor Name="Naela Trance" Entry="1459" Type="Ammo" X="-3758.334" Y="-855.7285" Z="9.899825" />
<Mailbox X="-3793.068" Y="-838.324" Z="9.656753" />
<Hotspot X="-3252.598" Y="-2576.986" Z="10.08593" />
<Hotspot X="-3073.289" Y="-2517.662" Z="7.718676" />
<Hotspot X="-3103.634" Y="-2564.593" Z="9.571533" />
<Hotspot X="-2978.06" Y="-2605.753" Z="15.08091" />
<Hotspot X="-3197.129" Y="-2612.516" Z="7.959261" />
<Hotspot X="-3217.198" Y="-2767.597" Z="14.86408" />
<Hotspot X="-3056.25" Y="-2837.504" Z="25.35634" />
<Hotspot X="-2997.105" Y="-2877.995" Z="29.89002" />
<Blackspot X="-2942.516" Y="-2807.451" Z="24.81957" Radius="50"/>

<Name>Direforge Hill</Name>
<Factions>14 48 60</Factions>

<Vendor Name="Naela Trance" Entry="1459" Type="Repair" X="-3758.334" Y="-855.7285" Z="9.899825" />
<Vendor Name="Naela Trance" Entry="1459" Type="Ammo" X="-3758.334" Y="-855.7285" Z="9.899825" />
<Mailbox X="-3793.068" Y="-838.324" Z="9.656753" />
<Hotspot X="-2976.329" Y="-2893.314" Z="32.12048" />
<Hotspot X="-3252.634" Y="-3054.377" Z="21.95899" />
<Hotspot X="-3352.255" Y="-2836.986" Z="13.4139" />
<Hotspot X="-3217.806" Y="-2773.431" Z="16.18583" />
<Hotspot X="-3164.255" Y="-2869.915" Z="17.88912" />
<Hotspot X="-3201.204" Y="-2804.096" Z="15.68216" />
<Blackspot X="-3338.309" Y="-3014.355" Z="27.4205" Radius="50"/>