So i got 2 bot accounts, they put in stuff to the guildbank, where i have an alt on my main account go collect gold and mats.
Ive been thinking about how safe this actually is ? That i use a alt, on my main account to take out mats and gold from the guildbank (that my bot account is GM of)
Would it be better if my bot accounts sold the mats on the AH -> main account puts something up on the AH for whatever gold -> bot buys it -> main gets gold (despite getting the 5-10% less because of AH fees) ?
Some opinions would be great.
First time i try this kind of botting with guildbanks etc.
Ive been thinking about how safe this actually is ? That i use a alt, on my main account to take out mats and gold from the guildbank (that my bot account is GM of)
Would it be better if my bot accounts sold the mats on the AH -> main account puts something up on the AH for whatever gold -> bot buys it -> main gets gold (despite getting the 5-10% less because of AH fees) ?
Some opinions would be great.
First time i try this kind of botting with guildbanks etc.