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Questbot stopped working!

LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Tyler\Desktop\kicks-scripts\Kick's Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Human 1-5 [Kick].xml

came from your log... try loading the 12-58 profile and disable class training... that is something you get to do manually which i do about 3 times a day on the lower levels...
You need to take the Quest Behaviors from Kicks SVN and put them into your /Honorbuddy/Quest Behaviors/ folder.
You also need to get the Plugin - Questhelper ItemForAura from his SVN and put that into your /Honorbuddy/Plugins/ folder.

Then when you log back onto your toon, and start HB, make sure you have his plugin active.
It shows which ones you had active when you started, and ItemForaura wasn't on the list.
You failed to read the pop-up when you first started using his profiles that told you to make sure it was on.
See my reply above.

Your logs that you have been giving us are next to useless because you are just hitting start and stop.
You aren't letting Honorbuddy put anything into the log before you hit stop on it.

Lucky for you I'm awesome, and know what it should say when using Kicks profiles.
Behavaiors were already added. Added the itemsaura thing. The reason I hit stop is because when I just sit there it says

Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [A - Quest] Human 12-58 [Kick]

Chose Singular $Revision: 254 $ as your combat class!
[Singular] Starting Singular v0.0.0.0
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] Current spec is Affliction Warlock
[Singular] Using CreateAfflictionCombat for Affliction Warlock - Combat (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateAfflictionCombat for Affliction Warlock - Pull (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateWarlockRest for Affliction Warlock - Rest (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateWarlockCombatBuffs for Affliction Warlock - CombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateWarlockPreCombatBuffs for Affliction Warlock - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Behaviors created!

And then the bottom action says Honorbuddy Startup Complete and just sits there till I hit stop. It works on my other characters. Just not this warlock.
I see what you're saying now. It's like 15 seconds between after it says "Started" and when you hit stop.

Hold on then.
For now I can suggest is Singular Pt2 from the forum thread: * http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...riven-all-one-cc-just-plain-works-pt-2-a.html *

As stated above turn off Train New Skills.
Right-click and edit the profile xml.
hit ctrl+f to bring up the find function.
type in "usersettings" and hit find.
It should bring up a line of: <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" TrainNewSkills="True" LearnFlightPaths="True" UseFlightPaths="True" PullDistance="25" />
You can adjust these as you see fit. As you can see it turns on looting, trainnewskills,learnflightpaths,useflightpaths, and sets a pulldistance.
To set the above in Honorbuddy also, you click on "Settings & Tools", Checkmark "Advanced Mode" and scroll through the list adjusting as you see fit.

Then also do the current quests in your log, and turn them in.
Don't pick up the newly available ones.

Try starting it again. ( Use the A-Quest 12-58 alliance profile, not the 12-58 human one. Idk if he is still updating the human only profile. )

If not then get to 18, if you hadn't before and try again.
If not working after that then I really don't know what it doing the sleeping that you stopped in the first log...

Edit: Make sure to turn off all WoW Addons you have. Just click the Disable All button in WoW.
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no1 do you have MSN or AIM where we could talk?

Edit: I replaced singular with a new CC and it started working (after a little guidance)

I'll update this if it crashes again.
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no1 do you have MSN or AIM where we could talk?

Edit: I replaced singular with a new CC and it started working (after a little guidance)

I'll update this if it crashes again.

I was hoping it was the old singular. :)

I do have MSN but I have to go to sleep.
You can send me your username via PMing me.
ok i will give you much info here so be carefull

first of all

for your Warlock use this CC

download and unzip the Release. and copy over the entire Amplify Folder to your Honorbuddy folder / CustomClasses. you should have a tree that looks like this.
if you don't have a Config Folder inside of your Custom Class Folder you will need to make one.

for the profile now
make sure that you have the latest updates of Kick's profiles and that you are using the plugins and questbahavior files provided by him
as described here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/blogs/kickazz006/554-1-85-kick-cata-dailies.html

here is the svn guide
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download and unzip the Release. and copy over the entire Amplify Folder to your Honorbuddy folder / CustomClasses. you should have a tree that looks like this.
if you don't have a Config Folder inside of your Custom Class Folder you will need to make one.

He means Zerfall.
Just replace where he says Amplify with Zerfall.

He responds to probably over 100 posts every time he logs on (which is over 10 times per day), so we cut him some slack :p
And he puts up with me not knowing exactly what is wrong, but sometimes figuring it out.
Appreciate the help guys. no1, I sent you a pm and Tony still hasn't accepted my request from when I first ask questions like last week =P

Anyways I will switch to that CC, I update Kick's svn folder like twice a day just incase.