For now I can suggest is Singular Pt2 from the forum thread: * *
As stated above turn off Train New Skills.
Right-click and edit the profile xml.
hit ctrl+f to bring up the find function.
type in "usersettings" and hit find.
It should bring up a line of: <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" TrainNewSkills="True" LearnFlightPaths="True" UseFlightPaths="True" PullDistance="25" />
You can adjust these as you see fit. As you can see it turns on looting, trainnewskills,learnflightpaths,useflightpaths, and sets a pulldistance.
To set the above in Honorbuddy also, you click on "Settings & Tools", Checkmark "Advanced Mode" and scroll through the list adjusting as you see fit.
Then also do the current quests in your log, and turn them in.
Don't pick up the newly available ones.
Try starting it again. ( Use the A-Quest 12-58 alliance profile, not the 12-58 human one. Idk if he is still updating the human only profile. )
If not then get to 18, if you hadn't before and try again.
If not working after that then I really don't know what it doing the sleeping that you stopped in the first log...
Edit: Make sure to turn off all WoW Addons you have. Just click the Disable All button in WoW.