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Questbot Doesn't Honor the Setting to NOT Kill Between Hotspots


New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I don't know why, but recently the Questbot totally doesn't respect the setting to NOT Kill Between Hotspots.

This slows down the leveling process terribly, as grinding is a very inefficient way to level, especially in Outland, where there is trash everywhere and Felreavers and other elites.

Does anyone know how to fix this ?

I use Singular, Kick, Azenius Plugin latest verions, class is Druid level 63 in Outland, Horde.
open Kick's profile with a text editor
press ctrl+f and on search bar write "
Between Hotspots"
and then set it to false
This is horrible. Why do we have a setting, if the questing profile controls everything anyway ?

I won't be able to update the profiles anymore if I do that, or I will have to edit them back every day, and if I don't update them they won't work well, as Kick issues bug fixes every day.

End users should have no business messing with text editors editing this kind of stuff.

I am deeply disappointed by the state of Honorbuddy. I play since the start of Wrath and back then HB was THE BOT for WoW. Now it has completely degraded.

-Questing Profiles fail totally in Cata. Manual intervention is required 80% of the time. How is HB going to handle MoP, if the previous xpack is 80% unscripted ?

-Combat Classes are a disaster area. Most of them are outdated and unsupported and the few we have working are written by people with nice intentions, but limited knowledge of class mechanics, LUA, or C#. Raid botting is out of the question except for a lucky few classes. Most classes don't even have BG PVP CC's.

-Gathering is in a sorry state. If you are not very tech savvy, generating a custom profile and goof-proofing it is very hard. Public profiles, on the other hand are used so widely that we get buddies reporting other buddies and people losing accounts with lots of hard work put into them.

What makes a bot valuable to its user base are all those things - what it automates and how it automates it. Right now, most of the things it is supposed to take off our shoulders and do on our behalf are done in a very poor manner. Users bot, because they want their lives to be made easier, not to keep things just as hard, only in a different manner.

Anyway, thank you for your help, Tony. Just had to rant out about this somewhere. I hope the Buddy Team will take it more as constructive criticism, as it is intended to be mostly that. I wish to see Honorbuddy improve, and I really do care about its state as it has been my favorite bot since I started playing WoW.

Will try to find this setting and change it, and I only hope I won't mess up anything too much.
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its the way that Kick has made his profiles,does not apply on all profiles
I'm not an expert and I wouldnt want to speak for anyone, but I can say its rather obvious why he did it that way. What other profiles do new things from minute to minute and run for days at a time sometimes.....

It is there to force afkability to some small degree. If you use plugins like EZFly and others your going to fly right by stuff you should be killing. In the end your still gaining experience... if you want faster leveling do it by hand, use leveling gear, use raf twinking leveling tricks.... lots of ways to go faster but they don't cost less $$ and may take your valuable irl time.

EDIT: sry I didn't even read your whole post. Have you eve played through cata zones? They are entirely different mechanically than LK stuff..... what are you smoking dude. Run chars that can maintain afkability or deal with it...
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