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Well there seems to be an issue with your fpsware CC installation but what is causing your immediate issue is the questbehaviour have you installed kick's QB over the default?
This happens if u download Kicks profiles manually, try downloading it with SVN and give it a shot, but if u DID dl it with SVN then rightclick ure HB folder and SVN Update it. Usually fixes all profiles problems with questing.
[3:24:05 PM:379] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\nigger\Quest Behaviors\10838.cs'
[3:24:05 PM:382] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[3:24:05 PM:383] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\nigger\Quest Behaviors\10838.cs'.
File name: 'C:\nigger\Quest Behaviors\10838.cs'
lol @ username
as a side note -thoroughly read the first post of the thread that you want to use a profile for before using said profile
in your case, you failed to copy over the behaviors from my svn to your behaviors folder
I got to level 62 and I started the bot, just to see if it would work. and it did. should i do what you said still, or not? cause honestly, i dont know how.
I got to level 62 and I started the bot, just to see if it would work. and it did. should i do what you said still, or not? cause honestly, i dont know how.