Dear Buddy user =)
I Dont know why everybody says , questbot is broken . My Monk is lvl 55 now using questbot with kick's profile .
There are a few errors , like stuck at a tree or stuck it the stairs in a building
Im Not doing many interacts , just let it run ,sit in front and watched it while watching the new seasson Big Bang Theorie
Really Good work ! i
i will report @ lvl 70 Again
I Dont know why everybody says , questbot is broken . My Monk is lvl 55 now using questbot with kick's profile .
There are a few errors , like stuck at a tree or stuck it the stairs in a building
Im Not doing many interacts , just let it run ,sit in front and watched it while watching the new seasson Big Bang Theorie
Really Good work ! i
i will report @ lvl 70 Again