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Quest bot question


Nov 28, 2012
When starting quest bot as a lvl 1 blood elf it reads the area but just stands there. ive tried searching but cant really find anything on it. Sorry guys coming back after 3 years haha
When starting quest bot as a lvl 1 blood elf it reads the area but just stands there. ive tried searching but cant really find anything on it. Sorry guys coming back after 3 years haha
Welcome back! To be as helpful as possible we'd need a log file of the last time you ran the bot. This can be found in the log folder in your honorbuddy installation folder.
Its saying i dont have a goal. Do i need to run a profile with quest bot? i figured it was all integrated nowadays

[19:35:56.444 N] (Singular) MapId = 530
[19:35:56.448 N] (Singular) ZoneId = 6455
[19:35:56.450 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.480 N] (Singular) Equipped Total Item Level : 8
[19:35:56.484 N] (Singular) Equipped Average Item Level: 0
[19:35:56.486 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.489 N] (Singular) Health: 154
[19:35:56.492 N] (Singular) Strength: 12
[19:35:56.494 N] (Singular) Agility: 2
[19:35:56.497 N] (Singular) Intellect: 7
[19:35:56.500 N] (Singular) Spirit: 0
[19:35:56.503 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.506 N] (Singular) Hit(M/R): 0/0
[19:35:56.509 N] (Singular) Expertise: 0
[19:35:56.512 N] (Singular) Mastery: 0
[19:35:56.514 N] (Singular) Crit: 6.00
[19:35:56.517 N] (Singular) Haste(M/R): 0/0
[19:35:56.520 N] (Singular) SpellPen: 0
[19:35:56.522 N] (Singular) PvP Resil: 0
[19:35:56.525 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.527 N] (Singular) PrimaryStat: Intellect
[19:35:56.530 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.534 N] (Singular) Talents Selected: 0
[19:35:56.537 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.540 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.543 N] (Singular) My Current Dynamic Info
[19:35:56.546 N] (Singular) =======================
[19:35:56.548 N] (Singular) Combat Reach: 1.5000
[19:35:56.551 N] (Singular) Bounding Height: 2.0313
[19:35:56.554 N] (Singular)
[19:35:56.378 N] Starting the bot!
[19:35:56.378 N] Currently Using BotBase : Questing
[19:35:56.378 D] Character is a level 1 BloodElf Paladin
[19:35:56.378 N] Current zone is Sunstrider Isle (Sunstrider Isle - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[19:35:56.394 D] Handler for OnBotStopped threw exception!
[19:35:56.394 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer.GetLearnedTalent(Int32 tier)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer.GetLearnedTalents()
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ReportGen_Talents.EmitDetailedInfo(StringBuilder builder, String linePrefix) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1091
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ReportGen_ToonState.EmitDetailedInfo(StringBuilder builder, String linePrefix) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1138
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.EmitStateInfo() in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1303
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.BotEvents_OnBotStopped(EventArgs args) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1264
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
at Styx.CommonBot.BotEvents.‏‪*‏‫‬*‪*‪***​‬*‫‏‏*‏**‎*****(Delegate , Action`1 , Object[] )
[19:35:56.394 D] [UserSettings-c64c78(debug)] Bot stopping. Original user settings restored as follows...
Original Settings intact--no changes to restore.
[19:35:56.413 D] Set query filter to Horde
[19:35:56.444 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Acuity (154742) | Arcane Affinity (028877) | Arcane Resistance (000822)
[19:35:56.444 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Torrent (155145) | Armor Skills (076271) | Auto Attack (006603)
[19:35:56.444 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Combat Ally (211390) | Crusader Strike (035395) | Garrison Ability (161691)
[19:35:56.444 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (079748) | Revive Battle Pets (125439) | Weapon Skills (076294)
[19:35:56.444 N] [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[19:35:56.444 N] [Singular] Your Level 1 Blood Elf Lowbie Paladin Build is
[19:35:56.444 N] [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Sunstrider Isle
[19:35:56.444 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[19:35:56.511 D] System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.ReadArray[T](IntPtr addr, Int32 count)
at Styx.WoWInternals.LuaTable.‫**‎‎‬‏*‏‎‪*‏‫‏*‏‏​‎​***(Int32 , Int32 )
at Styx.WoWInternals.LuaEvents.‏‬*‬****‫*‫*‏‏‎‏***‬‬‫*()
at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.‪‬‎‫‪‎​‪‪​‏‎‫*‪‬​*‪*‫***​​‫‏**()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.‬*‪**‪***​​​​‬‏‪‏‫*‪‎*‪‎*()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.​‎‪‏*‎‬​‫‪**‪​‪‫‏‫​‎***‏**‏*()
[19:35:56.831 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.832 D] Activity: RunLua: SetCVar('AutoLootDefault', 1) 1 number of times while waiting 0 inbetween
[19:35:56.833 D] Goal: RunLua-c64c78: In Progress (no associated quest)
[Ref: "[H - Quest] Blood Elf 1-5 [Kick] ($Rev: 3528 $)" @line 153]
[19:35:56.870 D] [RunLua-c64c78(debug)] RunLua behavior complete.
[19:35:56.936 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.945 D] [RunLua-c64c78(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.950 D] [UserSettings-c64c78(debug)] Applied changes...
AutoEquip = True (previous: True; original: True)
Difference from user's original settings...
No changes from original settings

[19:35:56.950 D] [UserSettings-c64c78(debug)] UserSettings behavior complete.
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.950 D] [UserSettings-c64c78(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.950 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:56.951 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[19:35:57.018 D] Exception was thrown in BotBase.Root.Tick
[19:35:57.019 D] Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer.GetLearnedTalent(Int32 tier)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer.GetLearnedTalents()
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ReportGen_Talents.EmitDetailedInfo(StringBuilder builder, String linePrefix) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1091
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ReportGen_ToonState.EmitDetailedInfo(StringBuilder builder, String linePrefix) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1138
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.EmitStateInfo() in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1303
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.OnStart() in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 171
at Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.OnStart()
at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.(989A\\9{r4QJP$0Kc-meZ$n3\&.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.NWOcu<\]b\[rjeUcrzm~PXoZ{b!.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.phQ0=F{\[x-RAtp:tfaT@JcC\\$.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.NWOcu<\]b\[rjeUcrzm~PXoZ{b!.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.Coroutines.CoroutineCompositeExtensions.0E`\&-0U\*1/$24%%<\[dwoF-"T1.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at fu`:WFT^U\,'waTMG?waYHurg!.r\\#`5T^S\&_!\[07-\&pMJ1la'x5.8kY!2J_2n:zj!\[qEyZ o$#"U!.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine.\,q)^CCz;Th:QUYM\]xx\\{\.wUc!.:}rdXo5Ay\*)G'4Yf<x9DK}27$.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.*‎‬*‎‪‎‏*‬​*‫‎**​*‎‏​****‫‬*(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.‎**‎‎*‪‏‫*****‪*‫‫‬*‫‏*‎‫*(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine.Run(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.phQ0=F{\[x-RAtp:tfaT@JcC\\$.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.NWOcu<\]b\[rjeUcrzm~PXoZ{b!.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.phQ0=F{\[x-RAtp:tfaT@JcC\\$.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.Coroutines.CoroutineCompositeExtensions.0E`\&-0U\*1/$24%%<\[dwoF-"T1.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at fu`:WFT^U\,'waTMG?waYHurg!.r\\#`5T^S\&_!\[07-\&pMJ1la'x5.2IO%7#AiAl/<7905-@@:>/sDB.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine.\,q)^CCz;Th:QUYM\]xx\\{\.wUc!.:}rdXo5Ay\*)G'4Yf<x9DK}27$.MoveNext()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.*‎‬*‎‪‎‏*‬​*‫‎**​*‎‏​****‫‬*(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.‎**‎‎*‪‏‫*****‪*‫‫‬*‫‏*‎‫*(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine.Run(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.phQ0=F{\[x-RAtp:tfaT@JcC\\$.MoveNext()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.=Jx!8<)>Zn_7V;Dl}7~{0dGW$.‬*‪‎***‪‪‪**‫*‫‬**‏*​​‎‬*‫‏‎*()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.*‬​**‏​**‪‪*‪‪‪​*‏‫**(Action , String , Boolean )
[19:35:57.019 D] Goal: Nothing
[19:35:57.038 N] [AutoEquip] Equipping item Green Plate Boots (Green Plate Boots - Item - World of Warcraft) instead of Initiate's Boots (Initiate's Boots - Item - World of Warcraft) (slot: Feet) - it scored 0.05 while the old scored 0.04
[19:36:23.065 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Main window is closing
[19:36:23.613 D] Handler for OnBotStopped threw exception!
[19:36:23.614 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer.GetLearnedTalent(Int32 tier)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer.GetLearnedTalents()
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ReportGen_Talents.EmitDetailedInfo(StringBuilder builder, String linePrefix) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1091
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ReportGen_ToonState.EmitDetailedInfo(StringBuilder builder, String linePrefix) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1138
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.EmitStateInfo() in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1303
at Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.ProfileCompatibilityInfo.BotEvents_OnBotStopped(EventArgs args) in C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Misc\ProfileCompatibilityInfo.cs:line 1264
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
at Styx.CommonBot.BotEvents.‏‪*‏‫‬*‪*‪***​‬*‫‏‏*‏**‎*****(Delegate , Action`1 , Object[] )
[19:36:23.614 D] [UserSettings-c64c78(debug)] Bot stopping. Original user settings restored as follows...
Original Settings intact--no changes to restore.
Please attach the whole log file to the post, so click Go Advanced and then below the text field there should be a manage uploads/attachments button, upload the log file through there and we'll be able to really see what's going on.
Is this a fresh install of HB? Also you do technically need to load the profile through the buddy store but it seems like you tried that? The autoloader should have picked up the correct profiles.
Is this a fresh install of HB? Also you do technically need to load the profile through the buddy store but it seems like you tried that? The autoloader should have picked up the correct profiles.

Yes it's fresh just downloaded it a few days ago. I did not try going through the buddy store. Do I need to buy the profile to get it going?
Yes it's fresh just downloaded it a few days ago. I did not try going through the buddy store. Do I need to buy the profile to get it going?
Try redownloading it, there may have been a new version release since then. And you don't need to purchase anything, it should already be installed. To use those profiles, all you have to do is after HB loads up, click on load profile > from buddy store > click on 1-100 Questing Pack > Auto loader v2 > load profile and start the bot. Sounds like something may have been corrupted in the last install.
Yeah I went into the store got the cava pack went to load profile there was nothing in there but as soon as I clicked on it the bot started runnin. I'll try a fresh install again later. Thank for your help friend!
Yeah I went into the store got the cava pack went to load profile there was nothing in there but as soon as I clicked on it the bot started runnin. I'll try a fresh install again later. Thank for your help friend!
Ahh so the Cava pack is not the same as the official buddy store profiles. So if there were issues from that you would have to report them to the author's thread.