Was working great till 2 hours ago... my bot gets stuck always now.... It will always try to go straight to the quest giver, from any point ! Did manual the quest , tried another quests and the same .... always trying to go straight to quest giver ...getting stuck on mountains, rocks , trees, anywhere...! Not moving left or right at all, just straight ..!
Did fresh reinstall, updated kick quest profile from svn , unchecked kill between hotspots .. and same problem ...!
Using singular(default settings) and no plugins at all ...!
Any ideas?
ps: If some mobs shows up they got killed correctly , but wont be looted or skinned , passing next to a herb and wont get gathered as well!
Did fresh reinstall, updated kick quest profile from svn , unchecked kill between hotspots .. and same problem ...!
Using singular(default settings) and no plugins at all ...!
Any ideas?
ps: If some mobs shows up they got killed correctly , but wont be looted or skinned , passing next to a herb and wont get gathered as well!
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