Ever wanted to have a dinosaur?
Here you get 3 of them. 3 Raptor's in one profile. Grab it, before dinosaurs conquer azeroth.
Profile Details:
- Flies to Northern Barrens, peeks at 4 possible loot spots, loots Leaping Hatchling
- Flies to Dustwallor Marsh, peeks at 4 possible loot spots, loots Darting Hatchling
- Flies to Un'Goro Crater, peeks at 5 possible loot spots, loots Ravasaur Hatchling
- Makes you unbelievable attractive for the other gender (maybe not)
Profile has to be started in Kalimdor, toon must have ability to fly.
View attachment [QO][N][Companion]RaptorSet.xml
Here you get 3 of them. 3 Raptor's in one profile. Grab it, before dinosaurs conquer azeroth.
Profile Details:
- Flies to Northern Barrens, peeks at 4 possible loot spots, loots Leaping Hatchling
- Flies to Dustwallor Marsh, peeks at 4 possible loot spots, loots Darting Hatchling
- Flies to Un'Goro Crater, peeks at 5 possible loot spots, loots Ravasaur Hatchling
- Makes you unbelievable attractive for the other gender (maybe not)
Profile has to be started in Kalimdor, toon must have ability to fly.
View attachment [QO][N][Companion]RaptorSet.xml
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