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Q about lowering the chances of getting banned


Jun 5, 2014
Say i have 2 or 3 accounts. if account 1 is my primary account and i ONLY bot on account 2 and 3 but mail the goods to be sold on account 1 and i never touch account 1 with the bot, what are the odds that account 1 would get caught up in a ban wave?
Say i have 2 or 3 accounts. if account 1 is my primary account and i ONLY bot on account 2 and 3 but mail the goods to be sold on account 1 and i never touch account 1 with the bot, what are the odds that account 1 would get caught up in a ban wave?

It would not get banned during a banwave - how ever its possible it would been banned after the ban wave after investigation..

In my experience this only happens when your account is involved in gold selling... But as always - BLizzard can ban and account just because they feel like it.. So no one really knows
So what I've always done and have still yet to be banned. is form a guild on 1 charcter could be level 1 or whatever. and have the other 2 accounts join that guild. have them be the only ones in there. Sell everything on accounts 2 and 3 for gold deposit that gold into the gbank. Then go back to account 1. withdraw the gold and send to your main. Been like this for almost 6 years now. Still no issues. Good luck!
So what I've always done and have still yet to be banned. is form a guild on 1 charcter could be level 1 or whatever. and have the other 2 accounts join that guild. have them be the only ones in there. Sell everything on accounts 2 and 3 for gold deposit that gold into the gbank. Then go back to account 1. withdraw the gold and send to your main. Been like this for almost 6 years now. Still no issues. Good luck!

If you have never been banned before (considering HB has been software detected twice, so I'm calling BS)... Why do you either bother ?
My good sir. Please don't be so ignorant. I have taken breaks from wow. I didn't say I played 6 years continuously now have I? All I said was within those 6 years that's what I have done. and I'm still on my first account since Vanilla. If you would like to just sit down now, It'd be of best advice as I have nothing to prove to you. Please do not comment stupid things immediately before even inquiring about things you are unaware of. Have a wonderful day or night to you!
So what I've always done and have still yet to be banned. is form a guild on 1 charcter could be level 1 or whatever. and have the other 2 accounts join that guild. have them be the only ones in there. Sell everything on accounts 2 and 3 for gold deposit that gold into the gbank. Then go back to account 1. withdraw the gold and send to your main. Been like this for almost 6 years now. Still no issues. Good luck!

This works my main account got caught in the banwave and my guild bank account is still active and I have done this since I started botting about 4 yrs+.....but always make sure that the bot is not turned on when you use the guildbank account.
Taken directly from the buddywiki "Is Botting Safe?" page:

Yes... if the bot account gets caught, and the non-botted account has benefited in any way from the bot account (gold, items, materials, guild perks or resources, RaF-linking a botted and a non-botted account, transferring characters from a botted account to a non-botted account, etc), the non-botted account may be penalized also.
And No... generally, the non-botted account won't get banned just because there was a bot coming from the same IP. The exception is if you are running a bot farm (say 10+ bots), Bliz may have just had enough of you, and ban them all. Farmers/gold sellers easily make up the bulk of our ban reports, and this happens to them frequently. But they are 'commercial/power' botters, and not casual botters. For them, this is simply a cost of doing business.
Thanks for the input everyone! im just a noobie botter that bots gold for myself, i dont sell any of it and i like the idea of the guild bank to move gold, ill have to give that a shot. Getting banned in WoD during raid progression was really a bummer and i want to try and lessen the chances of being banned in legion, but im addicted to botting lol i dont think i could ever stop, its so much fun!
i think botting while sitting At the pc is better then botting without sitting at the pc because if a gm whispers you and you dont awnser he wil ban you
i think botting while sitting At the pc is better then botting without sitting at the pc because if a gm whispers you and you dont awnser he wil ban you

This has never happened to me, which isn't crazy unusual but I haven't heard many reports of people botting or exploiting then having a GM whisper them.

Does this happen?
This has never happened to me, which isn't crazy unusual but I haven't heard many reports of people botting or exploiting then having a GM whisper them.

Does this happen?
I have never had it happen to me, not saying it doesn't, but normally GM's don't really message you unless you post a ticket in game.
Thanks for the input everyone! im just a noobie botter that bots gold for myself, i dont sell any of it and i like the idea of the guild bank to move gold, ill have to give that a shot. Getting banned in WoD during raid progression was really a bummer and i want to try and lessen the chances of being banned in legion, but im addicted to botting lol i dont think i could ever stop, its so much fun!
I personally think that in this day and age, there's a lot of people who don't want to take ALL that time and invest on getting simple things just as flying in Draenor. Like who wants to spend almost 2 days grinding those achievements when there's a wonderful bot like this that will do it for you!? This gives you the opportunity to do other things such as spend time with family and friends, or play other games you've wanted to until you have what you want or want to do something.