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PVPTool or HonorBuddy?

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New Member
Oct 16, 2011
So i have been using PVPTool for my herb/mine + Mail + AH needs but have noticed the support on the site is very slim and when it is there its in EU language...

I guess my question is, How good is honorbuddy, is it pretty easy to set up and is it suggested over PVPTool as far as being safe and having multiple uses? (Herb/Mine Farming, Fishing and leveling via instances?)

Im a bit hesitant to buy but I will if it is overall better.
Listen, all bots have their risk and rewards. You just have to see which one is greater, obviously if you come to honorbuddy forums and ask if honorbuddy is better than PVPTool we'll say yes. It actually is though, I have been using this for over 2 years now and it's fairly easy to handle. It may be a little tasky at times, but it's well worth it.
Have a look at the forums for a couple days. We have TONS of third-party components that make Honorbuddy the product that stands out.
If something is wrong, and you can't find the fix yourself, post a new thread, and normally within 15 minutes someone will answer. If they can't figure it out Tony is our Live Help Rep, and he is AMAZING.
But really have a look at what there is to offer in the forums.

Hope to see ya soon. :)
I've never heard of PVPTool but have been using HB for a while now. I've got 9 85's with max professions, full PVP sets, and all the 359 PVE gear you can buy with Justice Points. Any of my toons that have dual specs have the PVP and PVE gear for both specs. A few of my toons were botted from about 10 to 85 without me doing anything except changing the profiles in HB. It's pretty easy to set-up if you have basic computer skills and know how to ask for help if you have a problem. It farms everything and will even level your professions for you. It does support instances but only certain ones, which are listed. There's also tons of support on the forum.
Sounds good, and wow a the responses lol...Would have taken days to get that on the other bots forum. Im sold.

Is it possible to queue for instances while grinding? fully automated of course
Sounds good, and wow a the responses lol...Would have taken days to get that on the other bots forum. Im sold.

Is it possible to queue for instances while grinding? fully automated of course
That would be done in "Mixed Mode"... It's a bot base.
It says do this profile (whether it's grinding/questing/archy) and do this on the side (Instance (through InstanceBuddy) or BGBot)

And yeah, like I said earlier. We have a very active forum, with A LOT of helpful members.
You won't go more than a day without getting an answer. Normally within an hour your problem is fixed :)

I'm a PVPTool user (i use HB too), the only difference is : HB can't skin while farming with GB2, so u have to make a fuc**** grind profile.
HB is more simple to handle, writing profile is ... just magic !
U don't have to param a ton of macros with cast sequence ...

ATM i use HB for everything exept farming whiptail/savage leather @ ULDUM >>PVPTool .


I'm a PVPTool user (i use HB too), the only difference is : HB can't skin while farming with GB2, so u have to make a fuc**** grind profile.
HB is more simple to handle, writing profile is ... just magic !
U don't have to param a ton of macros with cast sequence ...

ATM i use HB for everything exept farming whiptail/savage leather @ ULDUM >>PVPTool .

I will be working on something for this... so give me a couple days.
Last question I have, can i purchase the .98 eu one and try it for a few days befure i buy the larger one? or will it not have some of the same features?
The .98 is a 24 hour session. to answer your question, yes. You will have all the features, you get 24 hours to try it out.
I purchased 3 times the .98€ version to really test HB with all of my toons.
That version content all of features.

and ...

When u'll buy it, u've just to enter our product key :D

@no1knowsy "I will be working on something for this... so give me a couple days." : Thx !!
I've tested almost all bots in market I can say it for sure. I can tell you for sure, not that I have anything to do with this site but honorbuddy is the BEST BOT for ANYTHING....anything, there are not the slitest comparising with any other bot in marker. Test yourself , following plugins instrucions right and quest behaviors from kick etc, Honorbuddy its the ONLY bot that i put on my accounts.

PS: if someone else tells you otherwise test it for yourself and you will see.
Downloaded and working on getting a custom class for my shadow priest to: Grind Level between Instance queues.

I am trying to download this custom class but can't figure out how...

You can go in and save all of the files inside of that SVN manually, or you can download and install toriouse SVN.
It basically checks to make sure you have the most up-to-date files from the SVN on your computer.
This is the Guide:
Lets just say pirox is easy to spot. I norm can tell who is using what bot since I've used almost every high quality bot out there. And pirox is one of the easyest to spot. They attack like a bot slow and using 3 abilitys over and over and they use the x key to go down. But with honor buddy you look alot less like a botter with a good CC and good profile. And you dont have to change your keybinding or addons or anything thing for that matter. All you have to do is start the bot, pick your CC , choose a profile/bot and you botting. And not to mention you have so many options with all the plugins and profiles. Just all around a better bot then pirox for most stuff. The only downside. is the risk of warden catching you. And pvp tools dosnt inject so.... But the chance of getting banned if you smart is really small.

Good luck hope this helped in some way or another.
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