Is the obfuscation on the ptr going to affect HB ?
7.3 with obfuscation will be there in two weeks....
It's their own engine and tools, not Unity. It's C/C++. Lua is used for addons and interface stuff.
Lua is an interpreted language, not compiled (instructions are executed directly by an interpreter, not previously compiled).
Compiling does make code harder to understand, but not to the level of obfuscation.
Normal interpreted code is like tossing a note in a trash can. Anyone can read it easily enough if they want to.
Compiled code is like taking the note and ripping it to pieces before crumbling them up and throwing it away.
With enough practice and patience, you could sort through the trash for the pieces and tape them back together to understand the message.
Obfuscated code is like taking that note and 100 others, shredding them, and throwing them all away together.
Takes time to figure out what really matters or doesn't, and what piece belongs where. Most people just give up and stop caring.
I have full faith in the core devs. Where there's a whip, there's a way!
World of Warcraft is not built off of Unity.I think they said that the engine is built off of Unity 3 with extra tools / plugins for content creation in one of the Dev AMA's. Which is what I meant by Unity 3. Other then that I don't know much about Obfuscation other then the extreme basics so thank you for the insight.
World of Warcraft is not built off of Unity.
Blizzard usually never outsources in this manner for their games, they've mostly done things internally.
Diablo, Starcraft, Hearthstone, Warcraft, - all run off of engines they've made themselves, that's why their games run so much better than other PC games.
World of Warcraft's engine is based off of the Warcraft III engine(*), and is heavily modified from it.
The Warcraft III engine predates the original Unity engine by three/four years and was created by the Blizzard team themselves late 1999 early 2000.
The first Unity 1.0 engine was released in 2005, nearly a year after WoW's official release.(*)
Here's one of the earliest known screenshot of World of Warcraft when they were first making changes to the Warcraft III engine.