I'm really interested in purchasing this product, however, I do have some concerns I would like to community to clear up.
1) There are many threads about this bot being "down" and unusable at times. This seems to be a consistent thing, and I'm wondering if the payment plan fits the actual time one gets to actually use the bot. I purchase 90 days, but how many days will I really expect to use this bot successfully? I understand there are hiccups, but I don't enjoy paying for a service I get to use for half the time.
2) It seems this is not a completely AFK bot. Which to me, doesn't even give justice to "bots" in general. If I needed to be at my computer, why would I purchase a bot when I could just sit there and level up quicker? I don't understand why I would pay for a service that only "somewhat" works as advertised.
3) Is this the best bot available on the internet? Hard question I realize, but I would just like to make the most informed decision.
I am not intending for this thread to sound cruel, and I hope no one takes it the wrong way. I have had poor luck in the past with sites that provide "bots" and turn out providing only a portion of what they claim. I just would like to make the most educated and informed decision before throwing away my hard earned money on something of this nature. Please feel free to correct my assumptions, it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm really interested in purchasing this product, however, I do have some concerns I would like to community to clear up.
1) There are many threads about this bot being "down" and unusable at times. This seems to be a consistent thing, and I'm wondering if the payment plan fits the actual time one gets to actually use the bot. I purchase 90 days, but how many days will I really expect to use this bot successfully? I understand there are hiccups, but I don't enjoy paying for a service I get to use for half the time.
2) It seems this is not a completely AFK bot. Which to me, doesn't even give justice to "bots" in general. If I needed to be at my computer, why would I purchase a bot when I could just sit there and level up quicker? I don't understand why I would pay for a service that only "somewhat" works as advertised.
3) Is this the best bot available on the internet? Hard question I realize, but I would just like to make the most informed decision.
I am not intending for this thread to sound cruel, and I hope no one takes it the wrong way. I have had poor luck in the past with sites that provide "bots" and turn out providing only a portion of what they claim. I just would like to make the most educated and informed decision before throwing away my hard earned money on something of this nature. Please feel free to correct my assumptions, it would be greatly appreciated.