I need a tolvir profile thats adjusted to how i want it to run, if you are a bit good with profiles u can prolly recycle botanists his tolvir thing(which i use currently, half bugged)
and make it proper in like 15mins.
A couple basic things:
-continuesly run tolvir, when bags are full hearth to gadgetzan, sell everything to vendor, deposit only cloth and gold in guildbank, fly back. (in this order)
NOT hsing to ramkahen and NOT vendoring in ramkahen, see above.
I have tried editing botanists profile myself but its very complex, 5 profiles in a folder that work with eachother so its really confusing, and it would end up bugging out somewhere else if I fixed something earlier.
If u can do this and want to/have time to. please discuss below or send me a pm so we can arrange something.
you may be rewarded
and make it proper in like 15mins.
A couple basic things:
-continuesly run tolvir, when bags are full hearth to gadgetzan, sell everything to vendor, deposit only cloth and gold in guildbank, fly back. (in this order)
NOT hsing to ramkahen and NOT vendoring in ramkahen, see above.
I have tried editing botanists profile myself but its very complex, 5 profiles in a folder that work with eachother so its really confusing, and it would end up bugging out somewhere else if I fixed something earlier.
If u can do this and want to/have time to. please discuss below or send me a pm so we can arrange something.
you may be rewarded