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- Jan 15, 2010
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(if you are looking for the LoginAll-script download it here: View attachment
In this topic I will leave a log of how my botting project progresses. The reason I chose for 5 mages was simply because I think they can level up to 60 quite fast without ANY gear and training each 10 (yes, ten) levels. The reason I'm doing this is to get all classes to level 80 eventually on my main account and this way per group of 60's I'm running I can grant 2 extra 60's on my main account.
I'm going to give the account with the 60's away after I've raffed up a total of 2 groups only if you promise to keep them on that account (so I get a free month after you subscribe for your first month). The info on the account is bogus so I can never retrieve it or anything. So stay tuned if you want a FREE account with a 60 mage and a 60 warlock on it.
So, a small explanation how I started out with this. I also added a LoginAll-script in my attachments. When you unpack it edit the config.ini with your info and run it. If you don't trust it, don't use it, simple as that. I made this and I have no intention to steal your info, this is far beyond my interest. Download it here: View attachment
1. Get your hands on Honorbuddy RAF (5 sessions) or Gatherbuddy Lifetime (3 sessions)
2. Get a specific number of WoW accounts ready.
3. Create a textfile with all your account-info in it (or just write it down) because this will come in handy.
(optional: Get a second screen. This is REALLY good as you can always watch your bots whatever you do and it's really nice to get a grip on stuff when someone whispers you and so on... I personally got an old 17" Samsung TFT screen which I use for this. It's large enough to have 4 WoW windows of 640x512 and 1 in the center of them)
4. Create 5 Honorbuddy folders (hb1, hb2, ...) and 1 Profiles folder (this will save you time in the long run).
5. Create your characters (give them a logical name, for example Imone, Imtwo, ... and invite them all into the same group (convert it to a Raid so you don't have to do this EVERY time) and make Imone the leader and change looting to free-for-all. (optional)
6. Start up WoW 5 times (or let AutoIT do it for you, View attachment and start up 5 HB's.
7. When you launch the HonorBuddy's they will ask you to what process to attach to, attach all of them with the approriate character/folders.
8. Change your 'leader' (f.e. Imone) HonorBuddy to "Levelbot" and the rest to "RaF" and open the _same_ profile in all of them. (very important, or one of your zombies will get lost eventually...) and turn off looting on all of them (or except maybe the Leader, that's your call, but don't let the zombies loot...
9. Press start on all of the zombies (the HB's in RaF-mode) and then the Leader. If you don't do this the leader will run off without waiting for the zombies to follow him.
10. Watch how they faceroll every mob in front of them.
The 5 Mages (Master of Five Magics)
Day 1: 12-02-2010
Today I made 4 trial accounts, all of them linked to my main-account. I fired up 5 HB's with TIA's fire-mage class (which is by the way totally awesome, but I will switch to frost after lvl 29). Mobs die in a second, they don't even have a chance to target one of my mages, it just dies on the spot.
They go all the way up to lvl 17 without training whatsoever. I turned off looting and since it's not allowed to trade with Trial-accounts I couldn't even train them if I wanted to. I decided to just buy 4x WoW Vanilla for 5 euro's. I upgraded them on the official website with a direct payment method. Be warned: after 3 succesful payments you have to reset your IP otherwise your 4th account will be blocked by Blizzard for 24h from any payments. I had to call to the hotline to get this fixed, but they helped me nicely. I gave each of the mages 500 gold and then trained them aswell. I upgraded the leader's gear because if there is any tanking to be done, he will be most likely the one ending up doing it.
I trained spells etc. and left them on for the night.
Day 2: 13-02-2010
Today i woke up with my mages being lvl 26 already. I made the plan to train them at lvl 30, but I think i will have to do it at lvl 29 and respec them to frost for Felfire Hill (the mobs are immune to fire spells a.f.a.i.k). I switched to FrozenHeart CC for this.
I eventually went to the trainer at lvl 27 (so that makes it 10 levels ago from 17) and respecced the mages to frost to get them ready for stronger mobs. By now they are already lvl 29. I hope to reach at least lvl 35 today.
Update 2:
So I left them on when I brought my GF to the airport and they grinded to lvl 34 in the end. They got slowed down because 1 of the Zombie-HB's crashed and they waited for him to come back which he didn't. But I think it happened in a timeframe of about an hour ago because the others don't really have that much XP more than the one that crashed. They have reached lvl 34 and a bit, a result I'm pretty satisfied with. I hope to reach at least 45sh by the end of tomorrow. Their survivability is pretty good considering they are still wearing 0 gear (well actually the starter lvl 1 stave). Deathcount is at 0 times/hour, which is good I guess
I will probably train new spells tomorrow morning when they are 37-38ish.
Day 3: 14-02-2010
This morning I woke up, my mages had DC'd because I forgot to reset my connection unfortunately... So they had only gained one level. I got 15 more hours today, I think level 45 is still doable, maybe 43 if bad things happen...
Just saw them getting ganked about 10 times by Deepstrider Giant in Desolace. It was a funny sight, they all died after eachother, again and again, because the last one surviving survied long enough for the first one to corpse-run and release.
Gah there's a Blood Elf Paladin botting in Desolace aswell, running exactly the same path as my mages and they end up assisting him in about 50% of the kills... This really slows me down...
I'm currently at 35kxp/h, which is decent I guess. They are all lvl 38 now. Still wanna get like 2 or 3 lvls done today. They have died once because of bugged mobs and took a while to regroup again, but they got back up their feet. With the mage armor they barely lose any mana. By the way thanks for the help CodenameG with your CC!
Last update for today. I just reached 40 on all the mages and they will be farming all night in Feralas. I didn't reach my goal for today, but I hope I will get near 50 by the end of tomorrow...
Day 4: 15-02-2010
Woke up this morning and found that my mages were lvl 43. It's going a lot slower than I expected now. The paladin I met earlier is also farming here now at lvl 43... This really slows me down I'm absolutely certain of that. I hope to reach maybe 48 or something today... I might not be online tomorrow so the bots won't be running if they DC.
Day 5: 16-02-2010
Had a bit of a slow-down on this project because my girlfriend was here... But now it's up and running again. They are lvl 48 now and I hope to be 60 on all of them before the weekend starts so I can start my Warlock-project. No real updates here, the paladin that was using the same profile is way ahead of my now with leveling, so at least he won't slow me down as much as he did before. Expect some updates later tomorrow.
Day 6: 17-02-2010
They got to level 54 in the meantime and I learned them the Water Elemental-talent and gave them the glyph of Eternal Water
. They really fly through the mobs now, it nearly doubled my XP/h, I wish I did this earlier... I hope to be lvl 60 tomorrow so I can start my Warlock project.
Day 7: 18-02-2010
One of the zombies crashed while I was AFK... so they just stood there doing nothing and are now just level 57. I still hope to reach the 60 goal in the next 24 hours... After that stay tuned for my 5x60 warlock log!
They all dinged 60 today and I granted levels to a lvl 1 Shaman and a lvl 1 Druid on my main account, they are both 60 now aswell...
Update 2:
Started with 5 warlocks
The 5 Warlocks (Master of Five Demons)
Day 1: 19-02-2010
Started 5 fresh warlocks on my accounts. I dinged them to level 2 doing one quest manually and trained them all with the Imp-summon and first rank Immolate. They are now going strong level 7 already. I hope to reach level 16 or something today, so I can train them with all the spells they need. I'm thinking of going 4x Imp and 1x Voidwalker, anyone got some suggestions?
Day 2: 22-02-2010
I took a two-day break from botting simply because I had some strange stuff happening to my internet connection. It seems to be fixed by now tho. All the warlocks are lvl 30 by now, sorry for slacking on updates. They are all still going strong, tho they struggle a bit the last few levels before a Drain Life rankup (which is obvious because they do nothing but that in my customised CC). I will update later today hopefully with me being lvl 35. Thanks for following this thread so far
. My goal for the warlocks is to get 60 before the end of February, which is a pretty easy goal I think.
Got to level 33 today because of some downtime. A bit of a disappointment, but I'll get over it. My goal is at least 40+ tomorrow. Time to set some realistic goals I guess
. The voidwalker+4ximp setup works wonders, all my warlocks have to do is Drain Life and the occasional Life Tap. I'm gonna switch to 5xfelguard at level 50: awesomesauce.
Well total cost is:
5x WoW EU Vanilla accounts for5x€5,00 so €25,00 (special 5-year anniversary deal at and some stores. I used my main-account so only had to buy 4 vanilla keys...)
1x HB RaF License for €39,99.
+ electricity and computer uptime (depreciation on computer parts)
+ maintenance (training every 10 levels)
+ 1000 gold for all 5 characters skillups/mounts/glyphs to lvl 60 (can be estimated at €6,00 but correct me if I'm wrong)
What I get out of it is:
- 60 mage and 60 warlock on my main account
- 4 more lvl 60 characters on my main account thanks to granted levels by RaF's (8 RaFs, 4 mages and 4 warlocks), which is a total of 6x60 on my main account.
- 20 euros for each of the 4 RaF-accounts (containing a 60 mage and 60 warlock) when I sell them (so €80,00 total)
- 4 free months of gametime on my main account (when people activate their subscription on the RaF-account) which is worth about €56,00 total in my country.
- 4 free Zevhra mounts on my main account (which is priceless
In my oppinion, well-worth the dough.
I hope this was an answer to your question.
Well, for you I'll add a little how-to to my opening post.
Well the XP really depends on a lot of stuff. When I went out to train spells my XP skyrocketed and doubled, but when someone else is farming in the zone it really drops it down by 50% aswell...
In this topic I will leave a log of how my botting project progresses. The reason I chose for 5 mages was simply because I think they can level up to 60 quite fast without ANY gear and training each 10 (yes, ten) levels. The reason I'm doing this is to get all classes to level 80 eventually on my main account and this way per group of 60's I'm running I can grant 2 extra 60's on my main account.
I'm going to give the account with the 60's away after I've raffed up a total of 2 groups only if you promise to keep them on that account (so I get a free month after you subscribe for your first month). The info on the account is bogus so I can never retrieve it or anything. So stay tuned if you want a FREE account with a 60 mage and a 60 warlock on it.
So, a small explanation how I started out with this. I also added a LoginAll-script in my attachments. When you unpack it edit the config.ini with your info and run it. If you don't trust it, don't use it, simple as that. I made this and I have no intention to steal your info, this is far beyond my interest. Download it here: View attachment
1. Get your hands on Honorbuddy RAF (5 sessions) or Gatherbuddy Lifetime (3 sessions)
2. Get a specific number of WoW accounts ready.
3. Create a textfile with all your account-info in it (or just write it down) because this will come in handy.
(optional: Get a second screen. This is REALLY good as you can always watch your bots whatever you do and it's really nice to get a grip on stuff when someone whispers you and so on... I personally got an old 17" Samsung TFT screen which I use for this. It's large enough to have 4 WoW windows of 640x512 and 1 in the center of them)
4. Create 5 Honorbuddy folders (hb1, hb2, ...) and 1 Profiles folder (this will save you time in the long run).
5. Create your characters (give them a logical name, for example Imone, Imtwo, ... and invite them all into the same group (convert it to a Raid so you don't have to do this EVERY time) and make Imone the leader and change looting to free-for-all. (optional)
6. Start up WoW 5 times (or let AutoIT do it for you, View attachment and start up 5 HB's.
7. When you launch the HonorBuddy's they will ask you to what process to attach to, attach all of them with the approriate character/folders.
8. Change your 'leader' (f.e. Imone) HonorBuddy to "Levelbot" and the rest to "RaF" and open the _same_ profile in all of them. (very important, or one of your zombies will get lost eventually...) and turn off looting on all of them (or except maybe the Leader, that's your call, but don't let the zombies loot...
9. Press start on all of the zombies (the HB's in RaF-mode) and then the Leader. If you don't do this the leader will run off without waiting for the zombies to follow him.
10. Watch how they faceroll every mob in front of them.
The 5 Mages (Master of Five Magics)

Day 1: 12-02-2010
Today I made 4 trial accounts, all of them linked to my main-account. I fired up 5 HB's with TIA's fire-mage class (which is by the way totally awesome, but I will switch to frost after lvl 29). Mobs die in a second, they don't even have a chance to target one of my mages, it just dies on the spot.
They go all the way up to lvl 17 without training whatsoever. I turned off looting and since it's not allowed to trade with Trial-accounts I couldn't even train them if I wanted to. I decided to just buy 4x WoW Vanilla for 5 euro's. I upgraded them on the official website with a direct payment method. Be warned: after 3 succesful payments you have to reset your IP otherwise your 4th account will be blocked by Blizzard for 24h from any payments. I had to call to the hotline to get this fixed, but they helped me nicely. I gave each of the mages 500 gold and then trained them aswell. I upgraded the leader's gear because if there is any tanking to be done, he will be most likely the one ending up doing it.
I trained spells etc. and left them on for the night.
Day 2: 13-02-2010
Today i woke up with my mages being lvl 26 already. I made the plan to train them at lvl 30, but I think i will have to do it at lvl 29 and respec them to frost for Felfire Hill (the mobs are immune to fire spells a.f.a.i.k). I switched to FrozenHeart CC for this.
I eventually went to the trainer at lvl 27 (so that makes it 10 levels ago from 17) and respecced the mages to frost to get them ready for stronger mobs. By now they are already lvl 29. I hope to reach at least lvl 35 today.
Update 2:
So I left them on when I brought my GF to the airport and they grinded to lvl 34 in the end. They got slowed down because 1 of the Zombie-HB's crashed and they waited for him to come back which he didn't. But I think it happened in a timeframe of about an hour ago because the others don't really have that much XP more than the one that crashed. They have reached lvl 34 and a bit, a result I'm pretty satisfied with. I hope to reach at least 45sh by the end of tomorrow. Their survivability is pretty good considering they are still wearing 0 gear (well actually the starter lvl 1 stave). Deathcount is at 0 times/hour, which is good I guess

I will probably train new spells tomorrow morning when they are 37-38ish.
Day 3: 14-02-2010
This morning I woke up, my mages had DC'd because I forgot to reset my connection unfortunately... So they had only gained one level. I got 15 more hours today, I think level 45 is still doable, maybe 43 if bad things happen...
Just saw them getting ganked about 10 times by Deepstrider Giant in Desolace. It was a funny sight, they all died after eachother, again and again, because the last one surviving survied long enough for the first one to corpse-run and release.
Gah there's a Blood Elf Paladin botting in Desolace aswell, running exactly the same path as my mages and they end up assisting him in about 50% of the kills... This really slows me down...
I'm currently at 35kxp/h, which is decent I guess. They are all lvl 38 now. Still wanna get like 2 or 3 lvls done today. They have died once because of bugged mobs and took a while to regroup again, but they got back up their feet. With the mage armor they barely lose any mana. By the way thanks for the help CodenameG with your CC!
Last update for today. I just reached 40 on all the mages and they will be farming all night in Feralas. I didn't reach my goal for today, but I hope I will get near 50 by the end of tomorrow...
Day 4: 15-02-2010
Woke up this morning and found that my mages were lvl 43. It's going a lot slower than I expected now. The paladin I met earlier is also farming here now at lvl 43... This really slows me down I'm absolutely certain of that. I hope to reach maybe 48 or something today... I might not be online tomorrow so the bots won't be running if they DC.
Day 5: 16-02-2010
Had a bit of a slow-down on this project because my girlfriend was here... But now it's up and running again. They are lvl 48 now and I hope to be 60 on all of them before the weekend starts so I can start my Warlock-project. No real updates here, the paladin that was using the same profile is way ahead of my now with leveling, so at least he won't slow me down as much as he did before. Expect some updates later tomorrow.
Day 6: 17-02-2010
They got to level 54 in the meantime and I learned them the Water Elemental-talent and gave them the glyph of Eternal Water

Day 7: 18-02-2010
One of the zombies crashed while I was AFK... so they just stood there doing nothing and are now just level 57. I still hope to reach the 60 goal in the next 24 hours... After that stay tuned for my 5x60 warlock log!
They all dinged 60 today and I granted levels to a lvl 1 Shaman and a lvl 1 Druid on my main account, they are both 60 now aswell...
Update 2:
Started with 5 warlocks
The 5 Warlocks (Master of Five Demons)

Day 1: 19-02-2010
Started 5 fresh warlocks on my accounts. I dinged them to level 2 doing one quest manually and trained them all with the Imp-summon and first rank Immolate. They are now going strong level 7 already. I hope to reach level 16 or something today, so I can train them with all the spells they need. I'm thinking of going 4x Imp and 1x Voidwalker, anyone got some suggestions?
Day 2: 22-02-2010
I took a two-day break from botting simply because I had some strange stuff happening to my internet connection. It seems to be fixed by now tho. All the warlocks are lvl 30 by now, sorry for slacking on updates. They are all still going strong, tho they struggle a bit the last few levels before a Drain Life rankup (which is obvious because they do nothing but that in my customised CC). I will update later today hopefully with me being lvl 35. Thanks for following this thread so far

Got to level 33 today because of some downtime. A bit of a disappointment, but I'll get over it. My goal is at least 40+ tomorrow. Time to set some realistic goals I guess

Very impressive project![]()
But how much does your whole project cost at the end ?
Well total cost is:
5x WoW EU Vanilla accounts for5x€5,00 so €25,00 (special 5-year anniversary deal at and some stores. I used my main-account so only had to buy 4 vanilla keys...)
1x HB RaF License for €39,99.
+ electricity and computer uptime (depreciation on computer parts)
+ maintenance (training every 10 levels)
+ 1000 gold for all 5 characters skillups/mounts/glyphs to lvl 60 (can be estimated at €6,00 but correct me if I'm wrong)
What I get out of it is:
- 60 mage and 60 warlock on my main account
- 4 more lvl 60 characters on my main account thanks to granted levels by RaF's (8 RaFs, 4 mages and 4 warlocks), which is a total of 6x60 on my main account.
- 20 euros for each of the 4 RaF-accounts (containing a 60 mage and 60 warlock) when I sell them (so €80,00 total)
- 4 free months of gametime on my main account (when people activate their subscription on the RaF-account) which is worth about €56,00 total in my country.
- 4 free Zevhra mounts on my main account (which is priceless

In my oppinion, well-worth the dough.
I hope this was an answer to your question.
Nice dude. Can you give me some advice on this? I am going to do it when I get 5 farmers up so I can upgrade to 10 farmers. =D
Well, for you I'll add a little how-to to my opening post.
Whats the EXP like though? Is it good/bad if theres 5 of them attacking 1 monster. =D
Well the XP really depends on a lot of stuff. When I went out to train spells my XP skyrocketed and doubled, but when someone else is farming in the zone it really drops it down by 50% aswell...
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