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Profiting from Wow


New Member
Nov 4, 2011
Hi , I recently moved from botting in runescape with multiple accounts due to the fact that they butchered bots for good. I would like to know two things (yes I searched on the forum nothing 100% helpful), how much money can I make per hour with "1" account with JC or any other good moneymaking skill on a regular economy based server? approximate ranges would be nice and also various oppinions would help me.
According to what I have read everyone seems to be focusing on skills instead of combat to make money, is combat not a great way to profit ? and if it is how much can I make an hour as well?.
Thanks a lot in advance.
I heard people make from 500 to 1k gold an hour.....with 2k gold selling for 2.2 dls it isnt that bad ....but is it easy making 500 to 1k gold with a maxed accountt is practically my question. Thanks.
I heard people make from 500 to 1k gold an hour.....with 2k gold selling for 2.2 dls it isnt that bad ....but is it easy making 500 to 1k gold with a maxed accountt is practically my question. Thanks.

Yes it is easy, just press start and auction the stuff when you're done! (if the server ain't fcked allready from 23132 hb bots ;p)
It takes more work than that.
You'll need to level a toon (lots of profiles available due to amazing community)
Then you'll need to look at available profiles, and look at your servers economy to decide which will potentially get you the best income.

Then plugins to help keep your toon safer from bans.
Also a Class that has a well supported CustomClass so you won't have to worry about your toon dying in combat or any of that (shamwow is probably the most in-depth CC ever, its for shamans)

It'll take a while before you see any major gold income as you get used to how wow works and what the bot can/can't do well.

Don't expect to just click start and come back with 100k and a level 85.
im just having a hard time finding out what i should do to make gold, since i dont got herb or mining :( :(
Well the bots basic use is gathering professions...
You then get the other professions to turn these materials into useful items to sell to other players.
Here's the deal.

In 2010 I moved to runescape after gold selling in wow was dead, I botted and sold gold in wow for a long time and nowadays It's just very very poor, all my memberships ran out early 2011.

I know what's happened to runescape and it's a shame, but I suggest you run for the hills from this game as it is nowhere near as profitable as other mmo's out there including the one you just left.

You're talking regular chain bans, higher membership costs, game costs, more resources and $0.3/k per k on wow, different ball game and highly not worth it.

You came to the wrong mmo from Runescape to make cash bud, there is no money sinks, everyone shits out gold and I'm so glad I left a year ago because there's so many better mmo's out there to profit from.
Hi , I recently moved from botting in runescape with multiple accounts due to the fact that they butchered bots for good. I would like to know two things (yes I searched on the forum nothing 100% helpful), how much money can I make per hour with "1" account with JC or any other good moneymaking skill on a regular economy based server? approximate ranges would be nice and also various oppinions would help me.
According to what I have read everyone seems to be focusing on skills instead of combat to make money, is combat not a great way to profit ? and if it is how much can I make an hour as well?.
Thanks a lot in advance.
If you've come to this game to make actually money - not just 'fake gold', then as Ratz said, you probably should just move on. I'm not familiar with other MMO economies but I would say that even botting on Wow, you'd make a low amount for your money and time invested - with a moderate to high risk of losing more than you gain - especially with the possibility of account bans.

If you mean ways to make 'fake gold' to be used for your toons... then I would suggest gathering and then using other professions to turn them into more profitable materials. Of course, you have to research your own server the best answer of what sells well there. ;)

im just having a hard time finding out what i should do to make gold, since i dont got herb or mining :( :(
Honestly Wanted... you should get herbing and mining (IMHO) - preferably on the same toon... Making gold with HB is primarily done by doing what you do, for longer than you'd want to do it yourself. So... gathering herbs and ore are two things it does best. Now I don't mean that you should go out and mine and herb and then dump them into the AH... that may or may not be the best choice. We've discussed many times before involving other professions to take those raw mats and make them more profitable...
I heard people make from 500 to 1k gold an hour.....with 2k gold selling for 2.2 dls it isnt that bad ....but is it easy making 500 to 1k gold with a maxed accountt is practically my question. Thanks.
- You're not likely to make 500-1000 gold per hour. 10k per 24 hours is reasonable
- You'll be able to sell gold at about 2k per $1. If you put in a lot of effort you might make $1.5 per 2k. You'll never get $2.2 for 2k.
- You don't want to bot longer then 8 hours per day

10k/24h = 3.33k/8h = 3.33k per day of botting
$.5 per 1k = $1.66 per day of botting
30 days of botting will get you about $50 from gold sales whilst paying about $15 for your WoW and about $25 for your electricity bill. Total amount gained: $10.

Selling gold for real money is the best way to guarantee a ban. Which means you'll need to buy a WoW vanilla account every time you sell gold for real money. That'll cost you about $20. Which means that if you sell gold once every two months, you'll be throwing away money.

There is hardly any real money to be made with WoW at the moment unless you put in a *lot* of manual work. And even then we're talking about a dollar here and there, not the hundreds you'd need to sustain yourself any kind of decent.
- You're not likely to make 500-1000 gold per hour. 10k per 24 hours is reasonable
- You'll be able to sell gold at about 2k per $1. If you put in a lot of effort you might make $1.5 per 2k. You'll never get $2.2 for 2k.
- You don't want to bot longer then 8 hours per day

10k/24h = 3.33k/8h = 3.33k per day of botting
$.5 per 1k = $1.66 per day of botting
30 days of botting will get you about $50 from gold sales whilst paying about $15 for your WoW and about $25 for your electricity bill. Total amount gained: $10.

Selling gold for real money is the best way to guarantee a ban. Which means you'll need to buy a WoW vanilla account every time you sell gold for real money. That'll cost you about $20. Which means that if you sell gold once every two months, you'll be throwing away money.

There is hardly any real money to be made with WoW at the moment unless you put in a *lot* of manual work. And even then we're talking about a dollar here and there, not the hundreds you'd need to sustain yourself any kind of decent.

Your estimates put the rate a little higher than 400g/h. I find it impossible that you're actually making such an insignificant amount.

Those raw gathering numbers are WAY too low. Are you trying to keep him out of this market to hamper competition?

Running for eight hours a day is overly cautious. 12 hours daily is the standard 'average', with 14 being on the high end, but I have known people to go so far as 20 hours daily without bans. That said, with two gatherers running 12 hour days, I'm pulling between 25k and 30k daily consistently.

Do that math:
27.5k average per day of botting.
$.5 per 1k = $13.75
30 days of botting will get you about $415 from gold sales before paying for two accounts. Which puts you at $375. Now factor in that if selling requires a Vanilla account and you sit at $355.

If you're only making 10k/24hr you need to analyze your game plan. Maybe you aren't finding private buyers? Maybe you're farming the wrong materials? On a dead server? Using public profiles? If I was botting around the clock I could easily push 55-60k.

A lot of the 'veteran' gold sellers have this mentality that there's no money left to be had in WoW because prices aren't as exorbitantly large as they were in WotLK. Yes, gold is no longer selling for $1 = 1k or higher. But gold has become so much easier to obtain that it's largely irrelevant.
Maybe you aren't finding private buyers? Maybe you're farming the wrong materials? On a dead server? Using public profiles?
All this would increase the revenue but also the time needed to spend manually. I could easily make those numbers if I spent 8 hours a day on the bot.
Earning $355 per month for a fulltime job is, however, ridiculous. My time would be better spent flipping burgers, delivering newspapers or even cleaning the streets. I'd make 5-10 times as much real-world money.
Your estimates put the rate a little higher than 400g/h. I find it impossible that you're actually making such an insignificant amount.

Those raw gathering numbers are WAY too low. Are you trying to keep him out of this market to hamper competition?

Running for eight hours a day is overly cautious. 12 hours daily is the standard 'average', with 14 being on the high end, but I have known people to go so far as 20 hours daily without bans. That said, with two gatherers running 12 hour days, I'm pulling between 25k and 30k daily consistently.

Do that math:
27.5k average per day of botting.
$.5 per 1k = $13.75
30 days of botting will get you about $415 from gold sales before paying for two accounts. Which puts you at $375. Now factor in that if selling requires a Vanilla account and you sit at $355.

If you're only making 10k/24hr you need to analyze your game plan. Maybe you aren't finding private buyers? Maybe you're farming the wrong materials? On a dead server? Using public profiles? If I was botting around the clock I could easily push 55-60k.

A lot of the 'veteran' gold sellers have this mentality that there's no money left to be had in WoW because prices aren't as exorbitantly large as they were in WotLK. Yes, gold is no longer selling for $1 = 1k or higher. But gold has become so much easier to obtain that it's largely irrelevant.

It's better to error on the conservative side than to give someone the high end of the scale and have people reading this be disappointed when they attempt to duplicate it - and can't. I know for my own time, the time it would require for what I could possibly get in $$$ is not even close to worth trying to sell gold for cash. Of course, I live in the US and have a full time job... other economic situations would value the return differently.
All this would increase the revenue but also the time needed to spend manually. I could easily make those numbers if I spent 8 hours a day on the bot.
Earning $355 per month for a fulltime job is, however, ridiculous. My time would be better spent flipping burgers, delivering newspapers or even cleaning the streets. I'd make 5-10 times as much real-world money.

I just dinged a bot on Area-52 horde on Saturday morning. Using the PB 1-525 Mining/Herb profile included I dinged 525 herb/mining in about 4 hours, making about 2k gold along the way. (Fully automated)

After that I've been running a simple PB script that checks for full bags and hearths to Org and auctions all my mats before flying to the portal and going back to farming. Since sat I've made 67k gold on this character....that was before last night, I haven't been able to check, but its been averaging about 1200 gold an hour in Uldum and Deepholm running 100% fully automated. I haven't touched it in 4 days other than to restart HB because it lost its session and one other time it had gotten stuck on something in Deepholm and logged out.

Making gold is so incredibly easy right now its ridiculous.
To make money from wow you basically go in big or not at all.

Id say start with 20 accounts, spread those toons over 10 servers.

You will need a good VPN and maybe 2 computers.

You would make your money back in about a month, then everything after that would be profit except for the VPN and monthly costs.
To make money from wow you basically go in big or not at all.

Id say start with 20 accounts, spread those toons over 10 servers.

You will need a good VPN and maybe 2 computers.

You would make your money back in about a month, then everything after that would be profit except for the VPN and monthly costs.

And if you dare, you can buy your gametime with RaF :)

edit: 2 pc's cost alot, if you get accounts banned, your fucked and vanilla accs for selling gold ^^ + you need to buy 20 HB logins, so it will cost alot in the start if you do that oO and might get caught at the wrong time, cya 20 accounts.
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People in my guild pull 50k-100k a day from boosting people in arena and RBGs.. If you got what it takes you should try that.

Or you could just directly charge money from them, lol.