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profile not loading help


Jul 11, 2016
hi my grinding profile is not loading basicly loading indefinitly so i'd like to know whats wrong with it thanks!


<!-- PROFILE EXPECTATIONS: * When using this profile, be certain to set the HonorBuddy bot to (select only one): ( ) Gatherbuddy2 (*) Grinding / Mixed ( ) Questing ( ) PvP * This profile is appropriate for (check all that apply): [X] Alliance [ ] Achievement [X] Horde [X] Farming [X] Leveling [ ] PvP [X] Questing [ ] Reputation [ ] Seasonal * The profile grammar for the Levelbot (Questing & Grinding) can be found at this Wiki location: :Category:Honorbuddy:Levelbot:Grammar * An explanation of <ForceMail> and <ProtectedItems> usage is here. DO NOT INCLUDE a <ForceMail> element in a profile! DO NOT INCLUDE a <ProtectedItems> element in a profile, unless it is being used to protect items needed for a quest. You can find more information in the Wiki here: Honorbuddy:About ForceMail and ProtectedItems -->

<Name>Primal fire Grind - Hellfire Peninsula</Name>



<!-- choices are "Fly", or "Run" -->















<AvoidMobs> </AvoidMobs>

<Blackspots> </Blackspots>


<GameObject Z="86.8361" Y="2623.055" X="172.7261" Entry="181381" Name="Mailbox"/>
Nav="Fly" UsableWhen="Me.IsAlliance" />


<Vendor Z="87.28399" Y="2605.4" X="179.7871" Entry="22225" Name="Reagan Mancuso" Nav="Fly" Type="Repair"/>
Nav="Fly" UsableWhen="true" />

<!-- Omit these elements, and allow them to default, unless there is a specific need... <TargetMinLevel>1</TargetMinLevel> <TargetMaxLevel>99</TargetMaxLevel> <MaxDistance>40</MaxDistance> -->

<!-- Use Factions OR MobIds, usually not both -->



<Hotspot Z="279.686" Y="2564.274" X="708.6165"/>

<Hotspot Z="274.5665" Y="2470.468" X="725.6116"/>

<Hotspot Z="281.1603" Y="2420.507" X="822.6415"/>

<Hotspot Z="286.4479" Y="2268.146" X="859.6717"/>

<Hotspot Z="281.3629" Y="2245.984" X="793.0608"/>

<Hotspot Z="272.1263" Y="2118.717" X="780.7035"/>

<Hotspot Z="272.0999" Y="2106.679" X="856.5455"/>


i changed max level to 101 like tony said now the profile works i move to the hotspots but i dont kill anything its just not attacking
I wouldn't advise using FactionIds, instead use MobIds.

Also, instead of using "GrindBot" - use the Questing botbase, and reformat your logic to use <SetGrindArea>
This will allow the profile to Fly between the grind spots.

But anyway, here's a cleaned version of the profile that works for the questing botbase:


	<Name>Primal fire Grind - Hellfire Peninsula</Name>




		<Mailbox Nav="Fly" Z="86.8361" Y="2623.055" X="172.7261" />

		<Vendor Nav="Fly" Z="87.28399" Y="2605.4" X="179.7871" Entry="22225" Name="Reagan Mancuso" Type="Repair"/>


					<Hotspot Z="279.686" Y="2564.274" X="708.6165"/>
					<Hotspot Z="274.5665" Y="2470.468" X="725.6116"/>
					<Hotspot Z="281.1603" Y="2420.507" X="822.6415"/>
					<Hotspot Z="286.4479" Y="2268.146" X="859.6717"/>
					<Hotspot Z="281.3629" Y="2245.984" X="793.0608"/>
					<Hotspot Z="272.1263" Y="2118.717" X="780.7035"/>
					<Hotspot Z="272.0999" Y="2106.679" X="856.5455"/>
		<GrindUntil Nav="Fly" Condition="false" />


ill try your profile u just created hopefully it works also your profile has no mob level etc etc does it matter or no
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ill try your profile u just created hopefully it works also your profile has no mob level etc etc does it matter or no
It doesn't matter.
Everything between the first <HBProfile> and the first <QuestOrder> is optional.

An entire profile can litterately be:


	<MoveTo X="123" Y="456" Z="789" />

profile is working but 1 problem is theres an elite mob that never dies at the spot so basicly it spends 1h on 1 mob that never dies how do i fix this
profile is working but 1 problem is theres an elite mob that never dies at the spot so basicly it spends 1h on 1 mob that never dies how do i fix this
Between the <HBProfile> and <QuestOrder> section, add this:

	<Mob Name="Mob Name" Id="1234" Flags="Combat" />

This will completely turn off combat for that specific mob.

Alternatively, you can use "Pull" instead of combat - which that will tell the bot to not engage the mob.
The bot will still fight it if the mob engages the bot, but the bot won't actively go and attack that mob on its own.
also how do i make my boomkin use dot spell only and not cast
You don't by traditional means.

Combat logic isn't handled by the profile as you've probably already noticed given the lack of it.
It's handled by the combat routine. eg: Singular.

If you want to override the combat routine, you'd have to do so by disabling it with <DisableBehavior Name="Combat"/>
Then afterwords, write custom logic that would handle casting the DoT.

Which that could mean rewriting your entire profile since it's currently not setup for something like this given you're using the "GrindArea" logic - and GrindArea completely relies on the combat routine to operate.

As a replacement, the InteractWith quest behavior with InteractByCastingSpellId would probably be the "easiest" way to do it without getting into any complicating RunCode methods.


	<Name>Primal fire Grind - Hellfire Peninsula</Name> 




		<Mailbox Nav="Fly" Z="86.8361" Y="2623.055" X="172.7261" /> 

		<Vendor Nav="Fly" Z="87.28399" Y="2605.4" X="179.7871" Entry="22225" Name="Reagan Mancuso" Type="Repair"/> 


		<DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />

		<While Condition="true" >
			<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" FactionId="90" InteractByCastingSpellId="1234" Range="40" NumOfTimes="5" MobState="AliveNotInCombat" >
					<Hotspot Z="279.686" Y="2564.274" X="708.6165"/> 
					<Hotspot Z="274.5665" Y="2470.468" X="725.6116"/> 
					<Hotspot Z="281.1603" Y="2420.507" X="822.6415"/> 
					<Hotspot Z="286.4479" Y="2268.146" X="859.6717"/> 
					<Hotspot Z="281.3629" Y="2245.984" X="793.0608"/> 
					<Hotspot Z="272.1263" Y="2118.717" X="780.7035"/> 
					<Hotspot Z="272.0999" Y="2106.679" X="856.5455"/> 



Of course replace InteractByCastingSpellId="1234" with the spellId you're wanting it to cast.
Set Range="40" to how far the spell can be cast from.
And set NumOfTimes="5" to how many times you want the bot to cast the DoT on mob(s) before it considers looting/etc.

And set anything else to what you're needing as well.
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thanks again tiger also does the bot keep crafting reagents or does he sell them

i put the bot to sell everything green/blue/purple and whites just wondering if it will keep crafting reagents like cloth and others

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thanks again tiger also does the bot keep crafting reagents or does he sell them

i put the bot to sell everything green/blue/purple and whites just wondering if it will keep crafting reagents like cloth and others

Yes, as they are protected by your "Protected Items.xml" file that's inside of your Honorbuddy folder.