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Profile I made using Kickazz Template doesnt work


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
I made a profile and it doesnt kill mobs... posting it here so u can tell me whats wrong with it.

<HBProfile creator="Kickazz006" version="1.0"> <!-- Beginning of HB profile -->
<Name>Twilight Highlands 80-85</Name> <!-- Name of HB profile -->

<MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <!-- minimum level that can use the HBProfile -->
<MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <!-- max level that can use the HBProfile -->

<TargetElites>False</TargetElites> <!-- Target Elites setting -->

<MinDurability>0.3</MinDurability> <!-- Repair at 30% durability -->
<MinFreeBagSlots>2</MinFreeBagSlots> <!-- How many free bag slots to keep until you need to sell / mail -->

<!-- Set your selling and mailing here -->

<SubProfile> <!-- For multiple profiles, use SubProfile -->
<Name>Twilight Highlands</Name>

<MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <!-- Minimum Level that can use the SubProfile - Useful if you're leveling and using multiple profiles -->
<MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <!-- Maximum Level that can use the SubProfile - Useful if you're leveling and using multiple profiles -->
<!-- <TargetElites>False</TargetElites> --> <!-- Target Elites setting (Has to be outside of GrindArea but inside SubProfile or HBProfile -->
<!-- I have mine inside of HBProfile, so it's de-selected here -->

<Mailboxes> <!-- Ally or Horde -->
<Mailbox X="4165.822" Y="5285.872" Z="27.3758" /> <!-- Fizzcrank Airstrip Mailbox (Borean Tundra) -->

<Vendors> <!-- Ally or Horde -->
<Vendor Name="Willis Wobblewheel" Entry="26599" Type="Repair" X="4135.004" Y="5281.168" Z="25.08798" /> <!-- Alliance Vendor -->
</Vendors> <!-- If making a leveling profile, you also stick Class Trainers in <Vendors>, per profile -->

<GrindArea> <!-- Beginning of farming area -->
<Factions>12 2202</Factions> <!-- This is considered a(n) "[Undead, Scourge, Wolf, Murloc]" -->
<TargetMinLevel>1</TargetMinLevel> <!-- Target minimum level mob -->
<TargetMaxLevel>87</TargetMaxLevel> <!-- Target maximum level mob -->

<Hotspots> <!-- These are the points around the area you want to farm -->
<Hotspot X="-4667.842" Y="-6268.483" Z="4.772695" />
<Hotspot X="-4654.731" Y="-6308.536" Z="8.721499" />

</GrindArea> <!-- End of farming area -->

<AvoidMobs> <!-- Mobs you want to avoid / not target (has to be outside of GrindArea) -->
<Mob Name="Brittle Skeleton" Entry="25377" /> <!--stupid low-hp skeletons -->

<Blackspots> <!-- Problem areas where you get stuck or you want to avoid (has to be outside of GrindArea but inside SubProfile OR HBProfile) -->
<Blackspot X="4092.35" Y="-3920.816" Z="176.1428" Radius="23.63587" />

</SubProfile> <!-- End of SubProfile - Make another if you're leveling -->

<!-- end of hb profile -->
check the structure on my grinding profile and do it that way
also you need more hotspots