1st step:
Thoroughly read instructions
2nd step:
Refer to 1st step
nowhere in the intructions did it say anytihng about loading the HB profile thats how i was getting lost?
I'm afraid Deanobro is right...Its common sense dude, how the hell are you supposed to run a profile without loading it.
I had trouble figuring it out also but I didn't read the directions and got it after 10 min.
I'm afraid Deanobro is right...
To use ProfessionBuddy it would be common sense to load a ProfessionBuddy profile. No problem so far.
But if you don't load an HB profile, PB won't run at all. That's not in the instructions while it probably should be.
haha yeah that, like i thought since i was already doing 1 profile, i didnt have too do another.
one thing i find is that i can't seem to find a PB profile that is solo mining, they all seem to be mining/herb or just mining*.
What kind of Profile do you need for Professionbuddy?
I dont mean mining or so, for that you can use Gatherbuddy, what should the profile do?
are you asking what profession buddy does? to the extent of my knowledge, it basically farms, and when its full puts stuff on the AH which is a really good method, because its unlimited storage that way.
The default PB profiles that load HB profiles should load one of them before starting,it prints in the log "Preloading profile ...". If this isn't happening then you have discovered a bug and should report it, attach a log and describe how you are starting HB (if using a relogger for example)I'm afraid Deanobro is right...
To use ProfessionBuddy it would be common sense to load a ProfessionBuddy profile. No problem so far.
But if you don't load an HB profile, PB won't run at all. That's not in the instructions while it probably should be.
The default PB profiles that load HB profiles should load one of them before starting,it prints in the log "Preloading profile ...". If this isn't happening then you have discovered a bug and should report it, attach a log and describe how you are starting HB (if using a relogger for example)