Almost everytime i can live with it tho.
Hum the rotation seems bugged it wont use Immolate/Conflag iv turned off CoE. It will cast Inc as pull spell then Chaos Bolt if its up then spam Inc. Seen it use Immolate when the mob is almost dead and instead of using Conflag right after it will Cast Inc. I want it to pull with Immolate then Conflag - Chaos Bolt and Spam Inc till Conflag is up and use Conflag and refresh Immolate. Is it possible for me to fix that?
Config. And log attached.
public bool useAffliction = false;
public bool useDemonology = false;
public bool useDestruction = true;
else if (useDestruction){
useShadowbolt = false; // whether or not to use shadowbolt in combat rotation (doesnt affect pulling with it)
useUA = false;
useCorruption = false;
useHaunt = false;
useCoA = false;
useCoE = false;
useIncinerate = true;
useConflagrate = true;
useChaosBolt = true;
useImmolate = true;
useShadowburn = true;
useDemonicEmpowerment = false;
useSpellstone = false; // use spellstone
useFirestone = true; // use firestone
pullWithShadowBolt = false; // open pulls with Shadowbolt (for that buff talent, I forget the name)
useDarkPact = false; // use dark pact [untested]
drainLifePercent = 30; // cast drain life if health gets this low
drainLifeMinTargetHealth = 10; // dont drain life if npc health is this low
healPetPercent = 30; // heal pet if his health gets this low
healPetStopPercent = 80; // stop healing pet if health is this high
dontHealPetBelow = 30; // dont heal pet if my health is this low
dotMinTargetHealth = 5; // dont recast dots if npc health is this low
directDmgMinHealth = 5; // dont cast shadow bolt if npc health is this low
darkPactMinMana = 80; // use dark pact if mana gets this low
drainSoulMaxHealthPercent = 30; // if need shards, use drain soul at this health %
lifeTapMinHealth = 25; // don't lifetap if health is this low
lifeTapMaxMana = 50; // dont lifetap if mana is this high
shadowburnHealth = 20;
slog("Initializing: Destruction");
initialized = true;
return true;