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Problems with Lock CC's


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
This is really starting to get to me iv tryd all the CC's for Locks and the only ones that works is Mike's CC's. The other ones thats Demon and Vik's Afflication will send pet then dot and do nothing untill the mob is at 20% hp then it will Drain Soul. Any idea why this happening? I'm currenlty using Mike's Afflication CC and its slow becouse it will use most of its time Life Taping wich is really slow it will kill one mob and spend more time life taping then killing a mob :/.

Also the debug wont show any errors just what spell it has casted on all of them.
Hey Ski I got yours working suddenly im using Destro and im wondering how I can change the pull range for it? As it is now it will almost run to the mob before it will pull. My HB settings are set to 30 but this CC seems to overwrite it?
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Hey Ski I got yours working suddenly im using Destro and im wondering how I can change the pull range for it? As it is now it will almost run to the mob before it will pull. My HB settings are set to 30 but this CC seems to overwrite it?

Let me pull up the range code and see if there's a problem, one sec.
The pullDistance is based off of your Shadowbolt's range - 1. If the mob is farther than that, it will run to within 25y before casting. If its running that close to NPC's it may be an error in HB. Does it happen every time?
Almost everytime i can live with it tho. It may be the profile and mesh i use.

Hum the rotation seems bugged it wont use Immolate/Conflag iv turned off CoE. It will cast Inc as pull spell then Chaos Bolt if its up then spam Inc. Seen it use Immolate when the mob is almost dead and instead of using Conflag right after it will Cast Inc. I want it to pull with Immolate then Conflag - Chaos Bolt and Spam Inc till Conflag is up and use Conflag and refresh Immolate. Is it possible for me to fix that?

Config. And log attached.

public bool useAffliction = false;
    public bool useDemonology = false;
    public bool useDestruction = true;

        else if (useDestruction){
            useShadowbolt = false;          // whether or not to use shadowbolt in combat rotation (doesnt affect pulling with it)
            useUA = false;
            useCorruption = false;
            useHaunt = false;
            useCoA = false;
            useCoE = false;
            useIncinerate = true;
            useConflagrate = true;
            useChaosBolt = true;
            useImmolate = true;
            useShadowburn = true;
            useDemonicEmpowerment = false;
            useSpellstone = false;         // use spellstone
            useFirestone = true;           // use firestone
            pullWithShadowBolt = false;    // open pulls with Shadowbolt (for that buff talent, I forget the name)
            useDarkPact = false;           // use dark pact [untested]
            drainLifePercent = 30;          // cast drain life if health gets this low
            drainLifeMinTargetHealth = 10;  // dont drain life if npc health is this low
            healPetPercent = 30;            // heal pet if his health gets this low
            healPetStopPercent = 80;        // stop healing pet if health is this high
            dontHealPetBelow = 30;          // dont heal pet if my health is this low
            dotMinTargetHealth = 5;        // dont recast dots if npc health is this low
            directDmgMinHealth = 5;  // dont cast shadow bolt if npc health is this low
            darkPactMinMana = 80;           // use dark pact if mana gets this low
            drainSoulMaxHealthPercent = 30; // if need shards, use drain soul at this health %
            lifeTapMinHealth = 25;          // don't lifetap if health is this low
            lifeTapMaxMana = 50;            // dont lifetap if mana is this high
            shadowburnHealth = 20;
            slog("Initializing: Destruction");
            initialized = true;
            return true;

Can see in the log that it says it have casted Immolate but it hasn't.


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Almost everytime i can live with it tho.

Hum the rotation seems bugged it wont use Immolate/Conflag iv turned off CoE. It will cast Inc as pull spell then Chaos Bolt if its up then spam Inc. Seen it use Immolate when the mob is almost dead and instead of using Conflag right after it will Cast Inc. I want it to pull with Immolate then Conflag - Chaos Bolt and Spam Inc till Conflag is up and use Conflag and refresh Immolate. Is it possible for me to fix that?

Config. And log attached.

public bool useAffliction = false;
    public bool useDemonology = false;
    public bool useDestruction = true;

        else if (useDestruction){
            useShadowbolt = false;          // whether or not to use shadowbolt in combat rotation (doesnt affect pulling with it)
            useUA = false;
            useCorruption = false;
            useHaunt = false;
            useCoA = false;
            useCoE = false;
            useIncinerate = true;
            useConflagrate = true;
            useChaosBolt = true;
            useImmolate = true;
            useShadowburn = true;
            useDemonicEmpowerment = false;
            useSpellstone = false;         // use spellstone
            useFirestone = true;           // use firestone
            pullWithShadowBolt = false;    // open pulls with Shadowbolt (for that buff talent, I forget the name)
            useDarkPact = false;           // use dark pact [untested]
            drainLifePercent = 30;          // cast drain life if health gets this low
            drainLifeMinTargetHealth = 10;  // dont drain life if npc health is this low
            healPetPercent = 30;            // heal pet if his health gets this low
            healPetStopPercent = 80;        // stop healing pet if health is this high
            dontHealPetBelow = 30;          // dont heal pet if my health is this low
            dotMinTargetHealth = 5;        // dont recast dots if npc health is this low
            directDmgMinHealth = 5;  // dont cast shadow bolt if npc health is this low
            darkPactMinMana = 80;           // use dark pact if mana gets this low
            drainSoulMaxHealthPercent = 30; // if need shards, use drain soul at this health %
            lifeTapMinHealth = 25;          // don't lifetap if health is this low
            lifeTapMaxMana = 50;            // dont lifetap if mana is this high
            shadowburnHealth = 20;
            slog("Initializing: Destruction");
            initialized = true;
            return true;

Unfortunately, like I mentioned in the main thread I wrote the destro code literally an hour ago. Right now I'm testing a bug in WSG, but after that's taken care of I'm going to start working through the Destro code to get the rotation right.
Aha awesome :D ! Keep up the good work ! And thanks for the help.

Server downtime for me so no botting totally forgot it was nite to Wednesday hehe day blind :p.