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Problem with MultiProfil PB


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
my toon farms a random Zone and then he swith to the Banker.

This messages appears at the Moment the Banker logged in!?

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!

Logfile attached!

can somebody help me to find my Mistake?



nochmal f?r die deutschen Leser eventuell. (For German Readers same Text like above)
Also ich m?chte das MultiProfile vom Profesionbuddy nutzen und immer wenn er das erste mal auf den Bankchar switcht kommt dier Meldung:

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!

Kann das nicht zu ordnen, da er dort ja eigentlich kein profil laden sollte?!

Logfile ist oben angef?gt.

w?rde mich ?ber Hilfe freuen.

on the banker, you need to load a leveling profile that matches his level range, like kicks questing profiles.
i set up Proffeionbuddy LOad a Kick Profile Human lvl 1-5 and set with Bot Config to MultiProfileTest
Secondary Bot to Gatherbuddy2

Same Issue!

You mean something else?


Thanks for your answer
dont set the secondary bot to gatherbuddy2. GB2 requires a diffrent profile and wont run on your level 1 banker.
hmm...same like before

Started with Farmer
Started Honorbuddy
Set to Profesionbuddy
Load KickProfil Questing 1-5
Set Bot Config to my MultiProfileTest (no other settings set)

But the same Issue :-(


I made a new Installation of HB now and test it out.
I hope it works now :-(

EDIT: Until Now he made 2 Loops between Farmer and Banker, so i hope it work now,
Thnx for Help
Last edited:
Now it worked for 3 Loops.
Farming 16 Minutes in a Random Zone switching to Banker and set everything to AH.

Worked fine this 3 Times, after the 4 Farming Time he logged into Banker and tell again the Same Issue :-(

Somebody knows something?


try loading up kicks grinding profile instead of kicks questing profile.
Are you on default subprofiles of Multiprofile or you are using yours?
try loading up kicks grinding profile instead of kicks questing profile.

Ho CodenameG,
i Load Professionbody with a KickGrindingProfil and startet it with MultiProfile in Botsettings

Same Issue. I don?t understand why it works after new iNstallation for 3 Loops, and after the Fourth Loop there is an Issue.

Log from last Try attached!



Sorry tony, didn?t saw your answer.
I?m using the Default Path with Own Profiles
Good Morning,
i Mean i didn?t change the Path in the Advanced Option of MultiProfile, but in Folder Bots\PB\GatheringProfiles\Uldum\Ally\ there is a own Profile of myself inside

Is this still the Problem?

Should i Change the Folder in Advanced Options?!

and big thanks for your Help
Well, i tried MultiProfile with Default path and Default Profiles from ProfessionBuddy and it worked many Loops with Switch to Banker

Now i didn?t deleted the Defauld Profiles and Made New Folders for my Profiles and set Advanced Setting to it.

Same Error:

[11:05:29:514] Spell book built
[11:05:29:635] This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
[11:05:29:635] Stop called!
[11:05:29:647] PB 1.358:Stop Called
[11:05:29:658] PB 1.358: Done Loading Tradeskills.
[11:05:30:662] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
at (Object )
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Stop()
at Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProfileManager.get_CurrentProfile()
at Styx.Logic.AreaManagement.AreaManager.get_CurrentGrindArea()
at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse()
[11:05:30:663] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse()
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[11:05:30:664] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()

So, i don?t know what i can do if i don?t want to use the Default Profiles.
Is it because of the Different Names of my Own Profiles? Have the Profiles to need more Information?!

PLEASE help me, i get crazy :-(

Now i renamed all my own Profiles in my Subfolder to the same Names like DefaultProfiles
But this isn?t the Issue .

I got the same Message.
I tried this one

EDIT: Oh NO, i think i saw the Issue.

Is it this

<MinLevel>78</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel>

Have it to be

<MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel>


