Katos. Sorry you are having problems.
I looked at the logs you provided in these posts (Thanks for the logs, btw!):
From these logs, I see you've downloaded WingIt and installed it where BuddyWing can find it. However, WingIt is
not the CC you've selected to use. In
each of the logs you have provided, you are using the DefaultCombat CC. Thus, I'm confused why you state in post
#13, "yes im using wingit".
From your log in post #8, you're getting a continuous stream of this...
[04:17:57.187 D] Nav callback called.
[04:17:57.187 D] Path Generation Failed: FindStartPoly, Start: X: 146.752, Y: -319.199, Z: -307.7872, End: X: 123.4743, Y: -320.299, Z: -294.2709, Partial: False
[04:17:57.229 D] Generating path to <123.4743, -320.299, -294.2709>
[04:17:57.229 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[04:17:57.319 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:17:57.353 D] Generating path to <123.4743, -320.299, -294.2709>
[04:17:57.353 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:17:57.410 D] Nav callback called.
This means one of the following has happened:
- Your toon is standing in a non-navigable area.
Perhaps, its an area of the terrain that hasn't been meshed, or meshed properly.
This can also happen if you slide down a hill onto a rock, crashed starship, or some other slightly elevated object.
- Your toon could also be in a "partitioned area".
An example is Nar Shaddaa where you are on one platform, and need to get to another via taxi. Given where the toon is currently standing, the profile may not have been written to accommodate this (e.g., you may have manually moved your toon to another location--perhaps to access your starship's locker--than what the profile expects).,
In either case, BW gets hung up trying to resolve the path request, and will neither initiate combat, nor defend itself, while the path is unresolved.
The log in post #8 is the only example where it clearly demonstrates a reason why you're neither moving, nor entering combat. The other logs indicate problems with BW's interface to your SWtOR, or problems with the DefaultCombat CC.
I'd suggest the following:
- Figure out where the profile 'wants to be' in the current profile, and manually move your toon there.
If you are successful, the unresolved path should repair itself, and things should continue normally.
- As X'two suggested, switch to the WingIt CC instead of the DefaultCombat CC
Be certain to grab the latest version of WingIt out of the SVN repository.
Once the latest copy is installed, go to BuddyWing's "Settings" tab and select "WingIt" as your 'Combat Routine'. You also may need to restart BuddyWing after doing this.
- If you want to continue using the Default CC, try restarting SWtOR and Buddywing when the problem occurs to see if it will clear it
cheers & good luck,