Hey I just bought HB and can't figure it out.. It is giving me this,
Logging in...
You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15050
You are currently on build #0
Honorbuddy is up-to-date
I am running wow (playing it) and it gives me that.
My first time trying this bot.
I got it to work but I dont know what to do with loading a profile! This is like my first time playing WoW to lol... Im a undead mage if that counts.
Logging in...
You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15050
You are currently on build #0
Honorbuddy is up-to-date
I am running wow (playing it) and it gives me that.
My first time trying this bot.
I got it to work but I dont know what to do with loading a profile! This is like my first time playing WoW to lol... Im a undead mage if that counts.
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