Dear Honorbuddy supporters and developers.
HOW the fuck do i set my bot to follow ONLY me in a battleground and heal ONLY me.
i dont realy care if some body else die i just want to survive and pwn the crap out of hordes.
Sorry my post seems to be a bit rude but after die'ing a nummers of time because the bot fails where i payed for gets me upsad.
Kind regards,
N. M.
Ps. i tryed the party bot crap already but it keeps setting other mains (even tryed plugins)
HOW the fuck do i set my bot to follow ONLY me in a battleground and heal ONLY me.
i dont realy care if some body else die i just want to survive and pwn the crap out of hordes.
Sorry my post seems to be a bit rude but after die'ing a nummers of time because the bot fails where i payed for gets me upsad.
Kind regards,
N. M.
Ps. i tryed the party bot crap already but it keeps setting other mains (even tryed plugins)