I would like to hijack this thread a bit since I wanted to ask a similar question but a more general one. I hope some of you guys can provide me an answer. I've been lurking on the forums quite a bit trying to gather information about Rebornbuddy and its features before I place a lifetime order.. However, what does Rebornbuddy do well in terms of botting? What are the possibilites for me as a casual FFXIV player wishing to perhaps have an easier time as a main Pala i.e. in dungeons? Also, I wish to level more jobs, for example a BRD/NIN and trying to go deeper into the crafting segment of the game, but do not have the time atm. How can Rebornbuddy help me with this? Also, how can I get started in perhaps providing something for the community myself? For example, profiles?
EDIT: Oh, and how is development? What type of things can I expect going forward? Thanks.
I'm also a paladin tank. When playing manually, like doing dungeons or quests, I use it as a combat assist to keep the paladin's 123 rotation for me, I just hate having to spam it. Instead I just focus on cooldowns, positioning, target switching, etc, and don't have to worry about keeping the rotation. It makes tanking much more enjoyable for me personally, same goes as DPS, it can keep your rotation perfectly while you focus on boss mechanics, moving, etc. Is it cheating? Perhaps, but I just don't really like to spam my keyboard to keep my DPS or enmity up. It changes the way you play the game.
As for other stuff, the strengths of Rebornbuddy are grinding fates and gathering. I usually leave it overnight grinding fates in a zone with one of my other classes, and it gets me around 6 levels or so once you're 30+. I like the endgame, but not leveling with every class, plus I don't have the time due to work. I also leave it AFK some nights to gather crystals and then sell them, this is how I make my gil basically. If you've ever thought about buying gil, just by the bot and leave it during the night gathering. It's like an endless fountain of gil if you do it right.
But do be warned, Rebornbuddy's strength is in the community and the Combat Routines / Plugins / BotBases that other people make and put on these forums. Out of the box, the combat routine is not that good. If you do buy it, I'd recommend this:
1. Download Ultima combat routine:
2. Download the ExCombatAssist botbase:
3. Use them both, and go inside a dungeon to test it out. Things like Flash, Provoke, target switching and defensive cooldowns you do manually, but everything else will be done by the bot. Not having to spam Fast => Savage => Halone every second of my waking life is a blessing to me.