I/ General presentation
Andrewbuddy, what you need to know about :
-This CR only support enhancement spec and is fully PVP oriented, optimized for arenas. Actually supports fine arenas and RBGs/BGs
Also only support current optimized PVP talents (echo of elements / unleash fury / elemental fusion atm).
-It has been used only by few people, I kept it private until now.
-It works well with enyo / default combat bot but doesn't manage movement/facings.
So you need to have smart positions/moves if you want it to be efficient.
-I didn't want it to be fully automated so you have to use manually few spells.
-It proved itself in high rating arenas but you still need to have decent PVP skill to reach the maximum potential of the CR.
-It still not perfect and I'm improving it each time I think I have to.
II/ Features :
Here's a short video introducing the CR, you will have detailed features below it.
1) General :
-Pvp optimized DPS rotation including smart purges and heals
-Auto tremor but won't waste it on short fears
-Auto capacitor on stunned / packed enemies
-Auto dispell for hex
-Lua combat_log_event integration to track cooldowns / interrupts (interruptbar like)
-Hex helper : stopcasting if hex won't affect / reflected by / copied by the target
-Advanced kick bot :
-Spambot integrated to look for mates.
2) Mods/hotkeys :
-Defensive mod :
-Kick-if-CC mod : will kick low prio CC (sheeps/etc) only if your healer is already CCed
-Pause mod / short pause hotkeys : will stop the rotation when you need to manual cast
-Sound helper : play a sound when you change mod / important events in arena
3) Things that are not fully automated or are not implanted yet :
-Hex (just help you stopcasting)
-Freedom totem (only on whisp request)
-Rage (only on whisp request)
-Call of the elements
-Ancestral guidance
-All talents not currently supported (liquid magma, ancestral swiftness, etc)
III/ About the release :
I will release it after working on a more customizable routine and a best UI if you guys are interested. It may also include a RBG/BG mod.
I didn't decided yet how I will release it, just know it will come since I can play WoW and arena is allowed on HB.
Thanks for reading, xoxo
Added functions :
-spam purge key
-autoface to kick
-improved totemstomper (allow autoattacks and better spells)
-focus helper (if you lose focus because stealth, it will take it back asap)
-more options in UI
-best use of fire nova for RBGs/BG and AoE mod
Andrewbuddy, what you need to know about :
-This CR only support enhancement spec and is fully PVP oriented, optimized for arenas. Actually supports fine arenas and RBGs/BGs
Also only support current optimized PVP talents (echo of elements / unleash fury / elemental fusion atm).
-It has been used only by few people, I kept it private until now.
-It works well with enyo / default combat bot but doesn't manage movement/facings.
So you need to have smart positions/moves if you want it to be efficient.
-I didn't want it to be fully automated so you have to use manually few spells.
-It proved itself in high rating arenas but you still need to have decent PVP skill to reach the maximum potential of the CR.
-It still not perfect and I'm improving it each time I think I have to.
II/ Features :
Here's a short video introducing the CR, you will have detailed features below it.
1) General :
-Pvp optimized DPS rotation including smart purges and heals
-simulationcraft inspired, adapted for PVP
-don't waste DPS when purges
-smart management of maelstorm procs to use heals / LB depending hp%/buffs/los/etc
-purges very importants buff even you don't target the enemy (bops/fear wards/etc)
-smart use of slows
-smart use of AoE/multidot
-Smart autoburst : checking defensives / hp% / stormstrike charges / etc-don't waste DPS when purges
-smart management of maelstorm procs to use heals / LB depending hp%/buffs/los/etc
-purges very importants buff even you don't target the enemy (bops/fear wards/etc)
-smart use of slows
-smart use of AoE/multidot
-Auto tremor but won't waste it on short fears
-Auto capacitor on stunned / packed enemies
-Auto dispell for hex
-Lua combat_log_event integration to track cooldowns / interrupts (interruptbar like)
-Hex helper : stopcasting if hex won't affect / reflected by / copied by the target
-Advanced kick bot :
-kick heal / CC / DPS when lower ally / enemy is below customizable %)
-anti fakecast : detects failed interrupts on healers and will fast-kick his next cast
-anti double-kick : in 3s, won't kick if your mate can kick (only works with war atm)
-brainkick : fast-kick enemy healer when very low hp enemy detected
-Smart grounds :-anti fakecast : detects failed interrupts on healers and will fast-kick his next cast
-anti double-kick : in 3s, won't kick if your mate can kick (only works with war atm)
-brainkick : fast-kick enemy healer when very low hp enemy detected
-grounds incoming CC if you haven't los / kick is on cooldown
-advanced ground for traps :
-Whisp triggers for rage / ground / freedom totem-advanced ground for traps :
-manage enemy trap cooldown
-ground if defined trap target : is CCed / hunt is very close to it
-can be configurable to prevent trap on allies DPS or healer
-ground if defined trap target : is CCed / hunt is very close to it
-can be configurable to prevent trap on allies DPS or healer
-will instantly use the spell if a partymember whisp you the command
-manage cooldown ; range for totems
-manage spammers allies ; won't trigger if the asker is not in party
=> recommanded to use only with teammates who have positive opinion about bots.
-Totem stomper : try to waste minimum of damage but enough to kill totems-manage cooldown ; range for totems
-manage spammers allies ; won't trigger if the asker is not in party
=> recommanded to use only with teammates who have positive opinion about bots.
-Spambot integrated to look for mates.
2) Mods/hotkeys :
-Defensive mod :
-lower DPS
-more purges to improve heal
-different kick/ground management
=> best use in panic phases, will autodisable if all your team is top health
-Kick-next-heal mod : will focus on kicking next heal, best use in offensive phases-more purges to improve heal
-different kick/ground management
=> best use in panic phases, will autodisable if all your team is top health
-Kick-if-CC mod : will kick low prio CC (sheeps/etc) only if your healer is already CCed
-Pause mod / short pause hotkeys : will stop the rotation when you need to manual cast
-Sound helper : play a sound when you change mod / important events in arena
3) Things that are not fully automated or are not implanted yet :
-Hex (just help you stopcasting)
-Freedom totem (only on whisp request)
-Rage (only on whisp request)
-Call of the elements
-Ancestral guidance
-All talents not currently supported (liquid magma, ancestral swiftness, etc)
III/ About the release :
I will release it after working on a more customizable routine and a best UI if you guys are interested. It may also include a RBG/BG mod.
I didn't decided yet how I will release it, just know it will come since I can play WoW and arena is allowed on HB.
Thanks for reading, xoxo
Added functions :
-spam purge key
-autoface to kick
-improved totemstomper (allow autoattacks and better spells)
-focus helper (if you lose focus because stealth, it will take it back asap)
-more options in UI
-best use of fire nova for RBGs/BG and AoE mod
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