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New Member
Jan 25, 2016
I would like to integrate the Item Potion of Luck item=93351
I want to create a Profile who farms a spot in MoP and i want to tell the bot to take 1 potion after the other runs out.

appreciate your help guys

kind regards

GoldDroger the piratking:cool:
Is this for a questing profile?

If so, the easiest way of doing this would be to make use of the DoWhen quest behavior.
This way the logic is handled passively so that the potion is on at all times.


<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ItemId="93351" AllowUseDuringCombat="true" UseWhen="!Me.HasAura(135855) &amp;&amp; HasItem(93351)" />​

Although, some people have reported that the above method hasn't worked properly in the past.
So if that's the case for you, you may want to handle it as such:

<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="Use_PotionOfLuck" AllowUseDuringCombat="true" UseWhen="!Me.HasAura(135855) &amp;&amp; HasItem(93351)" >
<CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="93351" WaitTime="500" />​

Either of these solutions would best fit directly under the <QuestOrder> tag in your profile - or right before your grind starts.
Do not place it into any section of code that loops.
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thans for the help. could you explain what this does mean at the end GrindUntil Nav="Fly" Condition="false" /> Condition=false what does this mean i dont understand
thans for the help. could you explain what this does mean at the end GrindUntil Nav="Fly" Condition="false" /> Condition=false what does this mean i dont understand
Conditions expect a 'true' or 'false' statement.

So anything you put in there that is a 'true' or 'false' statement is acceptable.
eg: <GrindTo Condition="1+1==5" /> would work because 1+1 doesn't equal 5 - so that would be 'false.'

Another example is if you put: Me.IsAlliance, and your character is Alliance - it will return 'true.'
This is called a "bool" or "boolean."

You previously had "Me.Level >= 101" which was returning false because you can't go over level 100 yet.
Instead of doing that, you can just type "false" in there directly and avoid having to use a 'property.'
ah okay good to know. can i ask you for your skype name because i will have later alots of questions and i dont want to open every time a new thread.
i am starting to write profiles and there are a lots of things i dont understand. if you dont want th is its still okay :-)

and thanks for your help again
ah okay good to know. can i ask you for your skype name because i will have later alots of questions and i dont want to open every time a new thread.
i am starting to write profiles and there are a lots of things i dont understand. if you dont want th is its still okay :-)

and thanks for your help again
This is Echo's public chat where people can talk in real time about profile help/etc.
It runs on Discord instead of Skype. He's doing away with the Skype group as it's causing too many problems.