i've made 70k in 3 days selling my bulk stuff i've been keeping all month...
you can be set with 20-50k... or you could sell your entire stock 2-3 times a week (i run 4 gb's and leveling up another acct now)
you will have to sink some money into a few gbanks and once you get started... its recommended that you have other L80 crafters on your "starting to bot" server, but not required. you just get more profit selling made items vs raw items (usually)
if you read some of the gb/hb forums here on the boards, there are loads of satisfied customers
the only "dis satisfied" are ppl that dont know how to work their pc's, dont have common sense, or wont give the devs a damn log and expect the devs to either be a mind reader or hack their computer for a log. lol (basically incompetent ppl = dis satisfied usually)
my personal opinion, this does not reflect the exact opinion of gatherbuddy.de or affiliates
if you know the time of day, im sure you'll be happy
take a cruise around the forums, look at the pictures, go nuts
also im going to add this in big letters, dont be offended, i want to make the message clear to you, and anyone else looking at the thread
If you care about your acct, DONT BOT ON IT, it can be banned!