I have to say I like the fact that you made a poll. It would be interesting to she the results if lets say 1000+ people voted. But it's rather stupid to have a vote that is supposed to cover BOTH PvE and PvP as they are two vastly different things and one class that might be really hard to use for farming in PvE might raise supreme in PvP and the other way around.
Take Mage's for instance, until you have some really decent gear they tend to be very squeezy in terms of solo farming anything. You won't solo-farm elites in Tanaan Jungle using a Mage, not until you reach ilevel 700+ and you will still have a very hard time, only thing that might save you is going frost with a water elemental and that's pretty much it. Yet in PvP, Mage tends to do wonders.
You also have to take into consideration that people both for different things. Some people do PvE, other do PvP and some only use it with Enyo while doing content themselves, others use the bot for some heavy farming and whatnot. One thing I really recommend is going healer, if you are using a healing class with a good combat routine you will get into dungeons and RAID's really fast and you will do wonders and get along very nice and quickly. But if you are trying to do some farming as a healer, you are pretty much out of luck as their DPS is really lacklustre and won't take you anywhere.