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New Member
Feb 7, 2010
This botbase is for doing various battle-pet related tasks. Each task has a specific purpose, and requires a specific set of battle-pets. Below is a list of what is currently implemented - but a lot more is coming. You need to have some pets already at level 25. See below which ones you need for the different battles. I will soon write a getting-started guide for people who are new to pet battles and do not yet have high level pets.

Note: If you are new to pet-battles and have no idea where to begin - check out this guide I wrote on getting started: [Guide] Getting started with Pet Battles

Levelling near No-No
If you're in Pandaria, it will fly to the location and start levelling your pets. You need at least 2 moths (with the abilities listed below), but having 4 is optimal due to swapping out while healing is on cooldown.

I have found that Ashwing Moth / Gilded Moth work pretty good for this, but any moth with those abilities should be pretty much the same.
This task is capable for about 2 battle-pets 1-25 per hour. So you'll have all your favorite pets in 25 in no time.
Note that this task is a little sensitive to population. If there is at least one other person there, they will not spawn fast enough for both of you.

This is also a rather effective levelling method. If you can get a low level character summoned to the area. Below are my stats for levelling a char with this:[/B]
  • 15 hours: Level 50
  • 24 hours: Level 65

I have implemented all the daily challenges from the Pet Menagerie. It will pick up the quest, do the challenge, complete the quest and open the bag.
And the fights from Erris the Collector (alliance) / Kura Thunderhoof (horde). These do not currently utilize boosting of low level pets, but will be updated to do so later.

For all daily trainers, it will pick up the quest, defeat the trainer, and deliver the quest.

Want to help shaping the future of PokeLevel? Visit the Trello Board to vote on features and track their progress.

BUY HERE (15€)
NOTE: I will soon increase the price, since the buddy store is increasing their fee from 30% to 40% of all sales.
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As I also wrote in the description, the price is high to prevent a lot of people to get their hands on it. The spot is sensitive, so if there is just one other person at the spot, there will not be enough for both of you.

As you can see in my signature, I'm not afraid to put out some of my work for free, but this would simply be ruined if too cheap / free.
45€ wtf? I understand your reasons, but are you nuts? what is wrong with you developers? you really think all the botters are fat rich kids? :( also not all ppl are botting for money/gold... I mean it is okay to earn credit and money for the work you do, but PLEASE keep reasonable...

i really miss the times when ppl developed for fame and the community and not to earn money *sigh*
Havok4615 said:
the funny thing: This is more expensive than HB+Good CC. WTF PET BATTLE BOT 45€??
The mods have deleted a few posts for 'language' issues. You are welcome to your opinion, but do not be crude or vulgar in expressing it.

Also, the product support threads are no place to have 'pricing' discussions. If you think a product's price is too high, then simply don't buy it. There is no cause to flame someone as they learn their market. Inrego also gives an excellent reason to price it high—to intentionally limit demand and prevent the product from being over-used.

If you wish to tell a software developer that you believe he has overpriced his time investment and skills, then a PM is the appropriate venue for that—NOT the support thread for the product.

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As I also wrote in the description, the price is high to prevent a lot of people to get their hands on it. The spot is sensitive, so if there is just one other person at the spot, there will not be enough for both of you.
Well, based on the servers I play on your bot base is already used by quite a few people on my servers and you see tons of people running around that spot with 2 moths already. Any chance you will implement a way for us to specify our own spots?
Well, based on the servers I play on your bot base is already used by quite a few people on my servers and you see tons of people running around that spot with 2 moths already. Any chance you will implement a way for us to specify our own spots?
I don't think so, because the combat logic is written only for the pets in that area. It is possible that I will implement other spots, though.
I don't think so, because the combat logic is written only for the pets in that area. It is possible that I will implement other spots, though.
Well, there are quite a few other aquatic pet spots. So a logic change may not be necessary at all as you would end up using the same pets you use now anyways. I think the easiest short term improvement would be to just disable navigation at all. May help people out who know less farmed spots with tons of aquatic pets and will just look a lot less suspicious than running with 2 moths at the spot you hardcoded ;).
As I also wrote in the description, the price is high to prevent a lot of people to get their hands on it. The spot is sensitive, so if there is just one other person at the spot, there will not be enough for both of you.

While I applaud your effort to get a botbase out there for pet leveling, this is a well known spot for farming personal XP and pet XP. Only on low pop servers do you actually get to pull the whole set of pets there be able to keep pulling.

If you don't have an alt on a low pop server with access to the area or mage/warlock friends, this might very well turn out to be a waste of money. I don't really see your explanation for that pricetag to be valid.

I know I am not making an alternative to your botbase, but you really should warn people that the success rate of this is highly dependable on your choice of server to play on.
While I applaud your effort to get a botbase out there for pet leveling, this is a well known spot for farming personal XP and pet XP. Only on low pop servers do you actually get to pull the whole set of pets there be able to keep pulling.

If you don't have an alt on a low pop server with access to the area or mage/warlock friends, this might very well turn out to be a waste of money. I don't really see your explanation for that pricetag to be valid.

I know I am not making an alternative to your botbase, but you really should warn people that the success rate of this is highly dependable on your choice of server to play on.
I'd say people are well warned by the information that there's only enough for 1 person at a time at the spot. Besides, I've had great success on a very high population realm on EU.
Hi, I just bought it today, and It doesnt work, It fight untill my first pet died, and just stuck forever. I think it should choose my second or third pet to continue the fight. I am still waiting you to fix this problem. I think this pokelevel should be a great idea after u fix this bug.
Hi, I just bought it today, and It doesnt work, It fight untill my first pet died, and just stuck forever. I think it should choose my second or third pet to continue the fight. I am still waiting you to fix this problem. I think this pokelevel should be a great idea after u fix this bug.

This seems like a pretty solid solution to an annoying problem (maxing out lvl 25 pets), but is this confirmed as not working? 45€ is a lot to drop on something that is broken.

Any ETA when this might be up and running?
Confirmed that the booster-pet dies every single time and the bot gets stuck on selecting a next pet.
This seems like a pretty solid solution to an annoying problem (maxing out lvl 25 pets), but is this confirmed as not working? 45€ is a lot to drop on something that is broken.

Any ETA when this might be up and running?

I love pet battles, I do have many pets. I still have lots of low level pets. I will try now, and if its not working , I hope it can be fixed in 2 days, otherwise I have to refund it, eventhough I like the idea of this product.
I've confirmed and reproduced the bug and I am looking into it now
Hello again. I have located the error, and I can tell you that it was not a bug in my product. It was a problem with the buddy store that required me to just re-upload the product. I have done so, an I am now waiting for it to be approved so you can use it again. Apoc (HB developer) told me that he'll try to think of a way to prevent it happening again.

Note that this problem is not isolated to PokeLevel, but any HB store product. It should only happen rarely (if ever), and as I said, he's trying to think of a way to prevent it from ever happening again.
Hello again. I have located the error, and I can tell you that it was not a bug in my product. It was a problem with the buddy store that required me to just re-upload the product. I have done so, an I am now waiting for it to be approved so you can use it again. Apoc (HB developer) told me that he'll try to think of a way to prevent it happening again.

Note that this problem is not isolated to PokeLevel, but any HB store product. It should only happen rarely (if ever), and as I said, he's trying to think of a way to prevent it from ever happening again.

HI there, I just tried , and the problem is still there. Do I need to reinstall HB ?