PGBot says the same thing..."no eta". The fact that there's no eta worries me a bit. There are a couple reasons why i might guess that there iisn't...
1. They don't want to make any promises in case they aren't able to keep the eta. If not kept, customers will get mad.
But then the question is, are customers more mad that there's no eta, or that/if they don't keep the eta...i don't know.
2. They really don't know how long it's going to take.
This worries me the most, because when you approach any kind of project, if you know the problem, then you can make some sort of estimate of the time to fix it. The only way you have no clue, is if you have no clue. If you don't know how long it's going to take to get over a road block, then you don't know the extent of the road block.
At my work, if they ask me how much time something's going to take, not having an answer isn't accepted. I can't just say, "i don't know". Unless I don't know the extent of the problem, there's always a way to estimate a timeframe. If i know what i'm up against, i assess the project, and make my estimate. I usually pad the estimate with some extra time, as it can sometimes take longer than expected. An estimate is just that, a guess based on an assessment of a known issue. It's hard to give an exact timeframe, but an estimate is usually doable. And then if i finish it early, they think i'm amazing.
A point of concern: I can accept that there's no eta...maybe this kind of project (overcoming an api) is just too hard to know how long it's going to take. But besides no eta, there's also no progress reports...once again, required of me at my job. Even without being able to give an eta, it's always possible to give a progress report. Maybe i've missed it, but it would be nice to at least have some sort of a sticky progress thread. Whether it's a percentage, or specific issues as they're overcome (even if not possible to put in lamens terms). Reporting any kind of mini-successes shows the customers that it's being worked on at all, and success is being made.
Am I freaking out because there's no eta? Not at all. I'm playing my tutu hack while waiting patiently. It just seems odd that it's pretty much 100% quiet on the project front.
But at the same time, the fact that they're working on it at all, which i'm pretty sure they are, gives me hope that they might be able to succeed. I don't think they'd work on it if they truly thought they couldn't do it. It seems that with overcoming api's, where there's a will, there's a way.
I'm getting kind of tired having to come back every day to see if it's working. Maybe an email alert system can be made to notify people when it's finished.