INFO Logging started [PokeFarmer -]
INFO OS Info: OS Windows 10 (9200) Service Pack 0.0
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:38]</font></b> Welcome to Pokefarmer.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:38]</font></b> Connecting to map
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:38]</font></b> Connection established successfully on port 60229
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:38]</font></b> Checking version
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:39]</font></b> Current version is
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:39]</font></b> You have launched a new version of Pokefarmer. Check the <a style="color: #FF6A00" href="!250464!pokefarmer-forum/250464-pokefarmer-update-thread.html">Changelog</a> to see what is new in
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:40]</font></b> Connection established. Update default location...
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:18:40]</font></b> Finished. Pokefarmer is ready to start.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:30:42]</font></b> Perform authentication...
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:30:43]</font></b> Done, returning.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:31:07]</font></b> Connecting to login servers...
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:31:08]</font></b> Connecting to game servers...
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:31:08]</font></b> Could not connect to game servers. Please try again later.
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:33:03]</font></b> Perform authentication...
DEBUG <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:33:03]</font></b> Done, returning.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:33:06]</font></b> Connecting to login servers...
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:33:07]</font></b> Connecting to game servers...
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[23:33:07]</font></b> Could not connect to game servers. Please try again later.
INFO Logging stopped